
Why aren't there evironmentally friendly energy?

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we are wasting our energy and causing pollution. is there an environmentally friendlier way?




  1. Yes its called nuclear power... but lobbyist pinheads are blocking it. Ask France how many problems they've had since they went nuclear.

  2. There are, they are called sun, wind and tides.

    Solar power from orbit, concentrated in microwave is a 30 year old project. Eolian energy can be considered enough for small applications, and tide force can be harnessed by tide towers like in Holland. There is also geothermal energy but it´s not perfect yet.

    Then again there is always fusion that's coming up, but to tackle stellar temperatures on Earth is ... disturbing to say the least. Finally, there are fuel cells than produce energy thanks to a proton permeable membrane with hydrogen as fuel, the byproduct being water. THat´s almost perfect. But you know, the purpose of society is not to improve your lifestyle, it's to produce and grow... like a virus... unfortunately.

  3. There are, but the amount of energy we use is insane.

    In small quantities, all forms of energy are friendly.  In large, high densities, you are limited to coal, oil, nuclear, hydro, maybe geothermal.  Not solar.  Not tides.  Not wind, etc.

    Covering hillsides with windmills is not environmentally friendly.  Covering coastlines with tide generators isn't friendly.

    Best, safest, cheapest, least destructive? Nuclear.  Sounds awful, but the worst part is the nuclear waste, which doesn't take up much room.  In the US, they store the waste in the basement of the power plant.

  4. Everything revlolves around money. Noone cares about anything. If so prove it.

  5. There are sources of environmentally friendly energy, such as wind power and solar power, but they're not widely used because they are inefficient and expensive. When the price of oil approaches the cost of green energy, you will begin to see a major shift in how energy is produced.

  6. well as for the light bulbs... aren't they like really dangerous if they break?

    lots of eco things aren't really practical.;...

  7. There are and many countries already invest in wind, tidal, solar and geothermal energy systems. Europe produced 6% of its primary energy requirement from renewables in 2005 and by 2010 it will be more than 9%.

    An interesting response "Nuclear power... but lobbyist pinheads are blocking it. Ask France how many problems they've had since they went nuclear." Asking the French what problems they have had would be futile as the official watchdog is a government body overseeing another goverment organisation on behalf of a pro-nuclear government in a country where "whistle blowers" are ostricised! An alternative question might be "where does all the radioactive waste go and how soon before it is safe?"

    Stoobers - agreed that the amount of energy we use is insane but your logic concerning renewables escapes me. Firstly RE gives each individual an opportunity to micro-generate and reduce the wastage from large scale dsitribution. Secondly tidal generation is quite capable of producing utility scale power such as the proposed scheme for Swansea Bay in the UK as are wind and solar since there are already utility scale plants in operation! Thirdly not even a small quantity of nuclear could be described as "friendly"! It is not cheapest when compared on a like for like basis with renewable sources, it is not the safest and most certainly not the least destructive - have you seen the mess a Uranium mine makes?

    There is no solution to nuclear waste - at least not a sensible one and storing it in the basement of the power plant is about as stupid as it gets really. An object lesson in how to create the worlds most potentially devasting dirty bomb!!

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