
Why aren't trees important?

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Im doing a report about trees and I want to know why trees arn't important?




  1. read "the Lorax" by Dr. Suess

    Why are you doin a report on why trees aren't important? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

    Why trees ARE important>?

  2. i think trees are very important.....they provide anything from paper to furniture and shade etc....i don't think i could live without walking outside and seeing trees

  3. Trees are important. Perhaps you live in a city where you rarely see trees. But they ARE important as people here said , for oxygen etc etc

  4. They are, just some people haven't figured it out yet.

  5. Trees ARE important. What grade are you?

  6. The question could use some more detail. I did recently hear or read (sorry, I don't remember where) of a study that found that in some specific cases that trees may not be important in the global warming issue. It is possible that this is what you are referring to, but this was only in very  specific cases, specifically in areas where, if the trees were gone, the ground would be covered with snow for a significant part of the year. It seems that the snow reflecting solar radiation back into space would reduce heating more than the carbon sink the trees provided. However this was in very specific cases and does not support the blanket statement that "trees are not important"

  7. there are not reasons why trees are not important

    if there where no trees nothing would be alive on this planet


    the world bank pays large subsidies for farmers to plant trees especially a tree called Pawlomia because it is one of the better ones that capture carbon.

    plants take in carbon dioxide period they dont take in oxigen at night.

    they require carbon dioxide and release oxigen.

    in the autemn there is an excess of carbon released because of the dead organic material ,the seas and waters when cool absorb this,in the spring when the new growth requires carbo the warmer waters release it ,so in con junction with the seas and rivers the bio mass on this planet maintains a balanced atmosphere for us to breathe.

    now with the mass deforrestation(decrease in bio mass)coupled to the increase in carbon emissions,industrial chimneys,aerosol cans,motor cars,burning of plastics and tires to name but a few ,the carbon production by far exeeds what the bio-mass and the waters can handle,and so effect into global warming and the destruction of the ozone layers,

    so to counter act these fatal processes we must reforrest and at the same time reduce our carbon emissions.

    most governments are aware of these and many first world countries now include programs to reduce their carbon emissions.

    the forrests make most of the water that we can drink or use for plant growth(sweet water)

    some is condensed from the sea but that reaches only the coastel aereas .

    the bulk ,comes from the forests ,and the rivers come from the rainfall which comes from the trees ,

    and the trees with precipitation,feed the rivers when it is not raining and keep them running all year round.

    If we kill all the trees,we kill the rivers .we kill the rain. we kill us.

    the trees also absorb the heat in the day and heat up the place in the night ,so they keep the temperature confertable to live in.

    these are some of the reasons why trees are important.

    so plant a tree every week,and help us save the world

  8. that's cuz trees are super important. we need trees. to give shade.....oxygen.......home for animals....

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