
Why aren't we all living green?

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Are you? Or are you not?

Why or why not?




  1. I have changed my light bulbs.  I can't afford a new car, or solar panels, or with these new higher food prices, green shopping bags.

    It cost money to go green.

    Edit:  Well, julesoriginals, put your money where your mouth is.. I am not lazy, just poor.  Will YOU pay to help me go green?  If not, then you have NO right to call people names.

  2. I'm not because this planet and the people on it will be around until God decides "that's it" regardless of what I do.  It's pretty nice not having to run around all day worrying about carbon emissions, cooking to death because of global warming, or giant tidal waves consuming coastline states all because I drive a kickass Mustang GT and watch a big screen HDTV.  

    I do hope the "green" movement sticks around to some degree.  I have WAY too much fun laughing at people who buy carbon credits.

  3. because some of us dont want to.

  4. yes i am . some people are not because

    1. they do not care

    2. they do not know how

    3. or they just do not know what going green is.

  5. Within currently technology, we are all living as "green" as economically practical.

    A lot of green stuff is expensive demo type technology, and a lot of green living is just "feel good" and not significant.

    Putting up a 30K wind generator and calling yourself "green" is kind of ridiculous.  The metal, energy to build, and transportation for that generator wasn't kind to the environment.

    Buying a million dollar home and then putting in compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) is another example.  Penny wise and pound ridiculous.

    Just spending less money, that translates into consuming fewer goods and services, is the best measure of going "green".

  6. I am and here are some tips for ya!



    3.Reduce waste

    4.Don't buy milk or juice in cartons since these cant be recycled buy them in something like a glass bottle or plastic bottle instead.

    5.Use solar products

    6.Turn of your TV and go read a book instead

    7.Turn of a light when no one is in the room

    8.Take a quick shower instead of a long bath

    9.Take the bus instead of a car because for example it holds 10 people and uses as much gas as 1 car instead of 10 people separated in 1 car which will ruin our atmosphere

    10.Turn of your computer instead of leaving it on standby

    11.Walk to school or ride your bike instead of the bus and car (if it is near)

    12.Use environment friendly products

    13.When buying electronics make sure they have an energy star logo or another energy saving company logo

    14.Only turn on the washing machine or dish washer when full

    15.Buy organic cotton clothes or buy second hand clothes

    16.Adopt an animal from the pound for the holidays

    17.Get something in which to collect rain water then with this water use it to water your plants or something

    18.Water your plants in the early morning or early evening to prevent evaporation

    19.Set up a recycling club in your school to make others recycle

    20.Dont leave the tap running when brushing your teeth

    21.Take a lunch box to school instead of paper bags or buy somehting to eat from the school canteen

    22.Take exercise outdoors rather than outdoors this saves the lighting needed indoors

    23.Buy free range eggs

    24.Instead of buying a packaged sandwhich make one your own

    25.Most of all join clubs and commities for saving animals or recycling

    Dont forget that every little thing you do makes a big difference!

  7. i suggest everyone check out if you want to go green and are wondering where to start.

  8. I am very green and I try to convert others to be green.  

    There are those who chose not to live green because they are obstinent or lazy.  There are those who chose not to believe because it's inherently easier.  

    I think the biggest part is lack of good education.  The information that's out there is so disjointed and hard to follow - some of the recommendations are not very good or are considered an imposition on their lifestyle.

    Keep up your efforts.....the payback and a healthier earth is coming!

  9. It is a widely held belief that Americans consume more than twice the amount of energy and other resources compared to other countries. We have larger homes, with fewer people, we get our food from far away places, we are in love with our climate controlled environments. We have more things, clothes, furniture gadgets than our European and Asian counterparts and we repalce them before they are worn out. We consume and waste at an alarming rate.

    Many people believe we can't change this by individual efforts. I strongly disagree. I buy local as much as possible, I have my own veggie garden. I am removing my lawn to plant more edibles and drought tolerent plants. Every improvement I do to my home is to conserve resources.

    I also use green shopping practices. I buy organic and recycled products almost exclusively. I've switched to botanical and natural cleaning supplies. I believe that by creating a demand for the products we will create a financial incentive for mainstream companies to make real change. I believe this will happen much quicker than government regulation.

    I live in a state that is suffering drought conditions and I'm very much aware that every personal effort makes a difference. The more long term changes people make, the easier it will be to deal with shortages of all resources.

  10. I am living green because it saves energy and money in the long run.  We all aren't, however, because consuming as much water and electricity as we want provides more conveniency for us.

  11. I'm trying.It's an extra effort and lots of sacrifice to live green. If we want our dying earth to survive more longer, then we must do it collectively.

  12. It's difficult being green... ask Kermit.

  13. No I am not living green I am dark tan. (mulatto) I do try to save ever drop of energy I can. I reuse everything. I don't call that green, I call it cheap.

  14. i try to be as green as possible but its true most of the time being green is expensive. its a specialty type thing and we live in a  capitalist society (in the USA) so special things get higher prices.

    but on the flip side a lot of green things can save you a lot of money. switching to the compact florescent bulbs will save a ton in electricity bills. and by simply using blankets instead of blasting the heat in the winter you save on gas or electricity.

    also most companies, and most homes, wouldn't mind recycling because it means less trash. companies pay other companies to haul away their trash so the less there is the less the company has to pay.

  15. I`m not a follower,not

  16. Because I like wasting energy. If I can afford to buy it and waste it what business is it of yours. If I can afford a big house and gas wasting SUV that's my business.

  17. Because it will never be enough.

    You can change all your light bulbs, sell your car and ride a bicycle everywhere, but it won't create one drop of extra oil or power or fuel, and the environmentalists will tell you that you're not doing enough to save the planet.

    It might save you some money, but conserving just gives more oil to the Chinese and Indians who are expanding and needing more and more oil every day.

    I've always been conservative. I turn off lights when I leave the room and reuse more things than anyone I know, but I don't consider myself living green, just economical.

    There's no shortage of oil, so I see no benefit to conserve other than to save money.

    If it makes you feel good about yourself to "go green" then do it, but don't expect everyone else to share your enthusiasm.

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