
Why aren't we allowed to use Obama's middle name?

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We know a lot of other presidents by their middle names, but when we mention Hussein man, all h**l breaks loose.




  1. Theres nothing wrong with his middle name

    Barack Hussein Obama.

    Do you see something wrong? I don't .

  2. Some people go by their middle name.  Some do not.

    When you use someone's middle name to imply something that isn't true about a person, then that is a low blow.

  3. There is a rule in America that any president must be Christian. If he is called by his middle it'll stirr up contreversy.

  4. I don't give a d**n.  

    I don't think a rule like that has ever been made.  I am liberal in some instances and look:




    ooOO.. boogie boogie

  5. because the frightened conservative head in the sand gang use it to try to make people think he is some sort of muslim. but anyone with enough brains to be a free thinking american can see right through it

  6. Simply beacuse, masses are easily scared when they hear the name of a man who is considered a national anathema like Hussein, little matters whether or not they're related. The correlation, though baseless, is instinctive and can't be helped. That is the most logical and realistic answer.

  7. Because....

  8. anyone can say his middle name..nothing illegal about using his middle name..because the public doesn't hear it because it is muslin name..

  9. What are you talking about?

    Use it all you want. The problem is that people use it as a form of discrimination, meaning they use it to imply that he is not American, a muslim, etc.

    It's pretty ignorant since his names are common in Kenya.

  10. Why would you, an intelligent person ask a question that brings slander and shame to a man that has done absolutely nothing wrong to anyone?  In Kenya his middle name is very commonplace, just ask his Grandmother.

    I think that it is a shame that the only thing that people can find to pick on Barrack Obama on is that his Grandmother gave him the African American middle name of Hussein.  If you would study up more Barrack you would find out how and where he was raised and you would be quite shocked.  He is NOT a MUSLIM and never was.  If you have a direct question to ask....don't wander all around the subject with....why can't we ask about his middle name...just ask if he's a Muslim when you know he isn't.

    I'm appalled that someone as intelligent as you would stoop as low to attack a man who is trying to make a difference in a country that most definitely needs some change.  Can you afford $10 for a gallon of gas?  Can you afford to pay higher taxes and not get higher wages?  Can you honestly continue to support a war that is breaking our own countries bank and filling the pockets of our own counties politicians while Mothers & Fathers of dead & wounded soldiers are left grieving and wondering what we are fighting for?

    Peace & Love  :)

  11. Please don't hurt his feelings: he's very sensitive about his name, his ears, and his criminal and Marxist associates.

  12. What are you talking about, you can use his middle name, who told you that you couldn't? Now the only people who have a problem with his middle name are the right wing wackjobs and right wing propagandists!

  13. Obviously you're allowed to use his middle name. But just as obvious, if the reason your saying it is to scare people into thinking he's a secret muslim... then there's your answer. Your still allowed but that's baseless fear mongering. One should expect that to be called out.

    Barack Hussein Obama. There's nothing wrong with saying his middle name.

  14. Because it's spin control. Barack Hussein Obama is too close to Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein that could rightfully turn off undecided voters. It sound way too Muslim for a Christian American President.

  15. It reveals that he really is not an America first candidate. His past comes to mind and his supporters want that kept from the public.

  16. Because it is a "different" (i.e non-Anglo) name than we are used to.

    By the way, it will be interesting to see, if Obama is elected, whether or not, in his oath of office, he will say, "I, Barack Hussein Obama," or just "I, Barack Obama..."

    Kudos to John McCain for not playing the "name game."  

  17. Because him and his fandical supporters want to hide his muslem roots....

  18. There's nothing wrong with his Muslim names!

  19. Hussein might make us relate him to Saddam. If we only say Barrack Obama we might not realize that he is a muslim.

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