
Why aren't we helping the people of Zimbabwe?

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Zimbabwe needs help. Mugabe must be deposed but why aren't we intervening? The man is a tyrant and has ruined what could have been an amazing country. He has no respect for democracy . He murders the opposition, rigs elections etc.

Shouldn't we fight against injustice?




  1. Too busy throwing money at, and sheltering, every other nation to look after those of our own British Commonwealth.

  2. Because right now we have enough problems of our own caused by this political cretin Gordon Brown!!

  3. Because the US is too busy spreading democracy in Iraq.

    There is nothing to gain in Zimbabwe so no country will go and spread democracy over there.

  4. the 'we' helping is what is wrong today.

    Each time someone helps ease the 'pain' in the short term it only prolongs the real cure.

    If France or Germany or Spain had 'eased the pain ' of the thirteen colonies then they never would have worked together and whopped up on the British empire and Made the US.   When people get tried of the treatment they will fight back.  As long as some one is there to put a band aid on the wound they will not.

  5. Define "we".  Not me, not this time.

  6. how much more bleeding countrys do you want us to die for? if you are so concerned go threre yourself or give them some more of your money, we can't afford anymore

  7. Zimbabwe is an independent country, no longer a colony, they wanted independence, they got it.  No longer our problem.

  8. There's no oil in Zimbabwe. That's all the US, the UN, and the "Coalition of the willing" give a rat's patootie about. They didn't care about the people of Iraq, and they sure as h**l don't care about injustice, or the suffering of the people of Zimbabwe, or Sudan, or Burma...all they're worried about, the only reason for the war in Iraq, is oil. So what hope does Zimbabwe have?

  9. Because they have no oil!

    It is very sad but true. The super powers only care about themselves and their oil supplies. For me, Americas unwillingness to get involved means they are not Super at all.

  10. Not sure...but our troops shouldn't be in Iraq or Afghanistan. I would like them to have helped Zimbabwe...after all their people are still part of the much for loyalty and humanity....but what do you expect from Blair and now Brown?

  11. Because "we" have no spine. The reaction of common people to the war in Iraq has virtually guaranteed that no Western government would dare commit their armed forces to intervention in Zimbabwe or anywhere else for fear of the backlash from their own population. Why those people don't support such action is complex, but boils down to self interest.

    We are worried that if we fight "they" might fight back (i.e. we're cowards).

    We think that people from other countries are somehow less entitled to a free and safe life than we are because they are culturally different from us. We refuse to empathise with people from other backgrounds because doing so might raise uncomfortable questions about responsibility, sacrifice and cost.

    We think that it's these people's own problem to solve, which neglects that fact that in the face of the resources of a tyrannical government armed with modern weapons, communications and terror tactics, ordinary people are effectively powerless. We don't have to worry about it because our ancestors did all our revolting for us.

    And we are terrified that someone will hurl accusations of imperialism at us, because apparently invading a country's sovereignty is the very worst thing that we can do. It's not of course. A person being tortured, raped, maimed or killed couldn't give a hoot about sovereignty, they'd just like some hope of help. But we won't help, because someone accusing us of being after "their oil" or "their land" is about the very worst thing that could happen.

    Our governments are gutless, spineless and morally bankrupt, because we make them that way. I'm ashamed.

  12. No oil in Zimbabwe.

  13. You don't say which country you are referring to.  I don't want to see the US get involved.  There is no way to tell the good guys from the bad guys.  

    If you feel so passionately about the problem, why don't you go to Zimbabwe and offer your services to the opposition.

  14. No money in it.

    We should fight injustice, your absolutely right.

    But the catalyst is always money, China is the prime example,torture, executions, injustice, oppression, cruelty,inprisonment, dreadful record on human rights, Worlds worst atmospheric polluter and if the Governments of the World had any ethical or moral integrity they would condemn any trade with them.

    But theres lots of money at stake, so its OK.

    Zimbabwe is a disgrace, indecisiveness, lack of will and inaction by the international community have given Mugabe a licence to kill, corrupt and derelict this nation.

  15. Why don`t `We` revoke his Honorary CBE ?

  16. Why would you ever want to do that, America cant make any money or riches helping them poor blacks, its not worth it, we just need to let them keep getting screwed by their goverment, I personally think our country shouldnt be stepping in to help or fight with any country, only nosy idiots do that , its like going over to your neighbors house and telling them how to raise their kids, maybe someone should come to your house and help your kids out cause you made an 8 pm bedtime and we think it should be 9pm. keep you nose out of other peoples business. That is always good policy.

  17. The problem is that Mugabe claims he has "liberated" Zimbabwe from its "White colonial masters" and as such any intervention by the UK will be attacked as a return to colonialism.

    I think it may be a case of waiting until Mugabe dies (he's elderly so won't be long) or the starving people of Zimbabwe rise up and depose him and actually ASK for help.  Until then its going to be seen as unwelcome.

  18. Because it's in the middle of Africa.  There I said it, why does everyone try to go around the answer?  If it was South Africa, or Eqypt it would be different.  

    When 1 person dies, it's an injustice, when more die, it's a statistic.  They hardly get any news coverage, maybe a blurb at the end, or a scrolling title at the bottom of the screen.

  19. Why should they? When the Kenyans were unhappy they rioted and did something about it, when the Ukraine people were unhappy about the election they rioted and did something about it, Zimbabweans are cowards, they should have kicked Mugabe out long ago but they are all afriad of the old man. If Zimbabweans do not vote this guy out of power and raise h**l until he leaves then they will get what they deserve.

    Don't get me wrong, I would love for the UN to pass a resolution to arrest Mugabe on crimes against humanity, put him in a dirty stinky cell where he belongs.

  20. HERE IS A WEBSITE where we can try to make our voices heard:

    Look at youtube under Zimbabwe ZOE   and also DISPATCH:ZIMBABWE for good videos of Zimbabwe's crisis

    Bush claimed "OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM" in the name of democracy.    Why is the press not asking Bush to respond to a question of why he is not responding to Zimbabwe with "OPERATION ZIMBABWE FREEDOM"?  

    I have always been against the war in Iraq.  There was no evidence of weapons of mass destruction.  I am not for going to war, but Zimbabwe needs the UN's help and our help as good samaritans for human dignity.  It would have been a lot easier and less costly to have Operation Zimbabwe Freedom instead of Operation Iraqi Freedom, but I somehow don't think freedom was what the Iraq was was intended to be about even though that is what Bush said.

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