
Why aren't we putting death row inmates on life support and harvesting their organs?

by  |  earlier

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Seriously, we could solve 2 social problems here.




  1. That would take their rights away, but I understand what you mean. But a lot of inmates are likely drug users, or have disease. But I would never take it............I hate the jail system because I read about people who are wrongly put in jail...what if the organs you have are from a person who did nothing?

  2. Because you know their guts have committed crimes as well!!!

  3. that would be cruel and unusual punishment

  4. ok..  putting them on life support? uh no.

    harvesting organs immediately after execution.. why not?  I do think they have the right to choose to donate.  But, I don't believe it's cruel or unusual punishment to at least have that option.  Maybe a criminal wants to redeem himself somehow and donate his heart to someone you know?  I don't think most people would care where their new organs came from b/c they are still alive.     That would sure help the organ donation lists.   I bet Texas would do it.. ha ha  we love executions!  

  5. good question, Though I know you have to wait a year to donate blood if you've been in jail for more than 48 hours.  Its considered a high risk area for diseases like hepatitis and HIV.  It can take up to a year for these diseases to show up in tests but they can still be spread.  It may be the same for organs.... but I really don't know for sure.

  6. You heard of people who have received donated organs, who grew to eventually like whatever the doners did or do whatever the doners did? As so I seen in special cases. Yeah, serial killer's heart.... mafia gangmember's liver? .... Hm...  

  7. maybe you never heard of human rights

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