
Why aren't we running with the bulls?

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With my knees they would run me over no problem.




  1. If you follow the stock market like I do, trust me, we're running with the bulls baby, we are running with the bulls !!!

  2. Pamplona's running of the bulls gained popularity worldwide by author Ernest Hemingway's " The Sun Also Rises".  

    The running the bulls started out as something that was actually quite practical: it was simply the most efficient way to move the animals through town to sell at market.

    A few years ago we were there to see it for ourselves and one of my best friends got "swept away" and was pierced by a bull and trampled by several others.  

    He ended up hospitalized there for 4 months before he could fly home to the United States and receive additional treatment.  

    It was a life changing experience and one that I would say is better off being seen than part of.  The actual run only lasted for about three minutes and that changed his life forever.  

    I just do not understand why people even try that.  

    I think no matter how bad your knees are, you are better off watching it....if not in person than on TV.

  3. I'm at work.  I have to run with the bull****.

  4. Most American men are too fat. Besides, PETA would have a fit. Somehow I don't think running with the tofu would attract as much of a crowd.

  5. Because I am leading them with my ENABLERs.....Jewish jokes and Bush jokes

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