
Why aren't we taught anything about the present Queen (England) in schools?

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(Well this is my experience at my school which may differ all over the country) But at my school in history we weren't taught anything about Queen Elizabeth the second or about the heirs to the throne. Shouldn't this be an important thing to learn, even the basics. My sisters who are still in school don't know who prince Charles or Willian and Harry are. Does anyone know why it isn't on the school curriculum or if it is why only for some?




  1. If you are an American, it doesn't surprise me a bit, since they don't teach even the most elementary geography.

  2. Good point - I don't know why but I agree with you. The Queen deserves great respect, with her great sense of duty.  It is important for our cultural identity and national pride and for kids to get a sense of that. As is all our past as well - I think they are airbrushing certain aspects of our countries past out of the curriculum for political correctness and European Union reasons.

  3. It seems as though no British history is taught these days. It is all multi-culti pap on the curriculum.

  4. I didnt realise they didnt, I'll have a word with them young lady.

  5. When I was in high school (back in the 1960s), the cover of the 12th grade literature book had a picture of Elizabeth II taken at the time of her coronation on the cover, and I live in Texas.  Although the 12th grade curriculum, which covers British literature,* has been updated since then, allowing for more women and minority writers, most American high school graduates should know that the United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and that the present monarch is Elizabeth II.  They may not know the details, but they should at least remember that much.


    *American students typically study a survey of British literature their senior year in high school while studying American literature their junior year and world literature before that.   Most world history classes would also touch on the British monarchy at least as a current event topic just as they would also mention that Japan is a constitutional monarchy.

  6. There is nothing to teach really is there?

    QE2, lives in Buckingham palace and has 4 kids and 5 grand kids. She is rich,rich,rich, and is Head of State. End of!!!

  7. Because she's not important. I other words, she has no real power and is just a figurehead.

  8. Just as long as you were told how we delt with the ones who got out of line in the past that's all you need to know

  9. because we are not allowed to be English anymore , its not politically correct.

  10. Somebody told me she was dead.

    But they made me pay them for their wisdom.

    the truth comes at a price.


  11. Well I can teach you that there hasn't been a Queen (or King) of England since 1707.

    The monarchs became monarch of Great Britain from 1707 to 1801, and monarch of the United Kingdom from then on.

  12. If you keep abreast of the news and current affairs you would certainly know who she was.

    You'll find it very easy to discover what you want to know in the library or on the net.

    I believe they even have a website these days.

    Do you learn about the Prime Minister or who your local MP is?

  13. Excellent question. After all, in spite of anything that someone can can tell...she's Chief of State and Chief of Commonwealth and it is a bit exagerrated to say that she has no real power !

  14. Because it's not on the curriculum.  They have to teach the things that are going to be on the exams.

    Also, maybe they think it's not that interesting.  I mean, there've been a few things that schoolkids might care about, but most of it would just be boring.

    And how can someone possibly not know who princes Charles, William and Harry are?  Do they not watch TV or read?  Or when you say they're at school, do you mean they are in the first year of primary school?

    If you want them to know, you could always teach them yourself...

  15. Because she is still alive and is a very private person.

  16. What is there to teach?  She has done NOTHING.

  17. Because the queen is a figurehead of an outdated, pointless and corrupt system of government.

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