
Why aren't we using Dingel and Meyers successful water power fuel ideas for cars and homes?

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Free energy anybody?




  1. the reason is because everything they come up with is very dangerous to use. one flame can blow up the car so hmm...think about it, it costs to much money for them and they are trying to make money so it will never happen

  2. Simple answer would be, the oil industry would loss money.

    A friend of mine has added 2 HHO self made generators into a couple of his vehicles. His tests have been a great success. Prior to adding the gens he was making 37mpg. his 1st gen. boosted him to 46mpg. Now he is making a unbelievable mpg. Here is what he wrote to me:

    Today I tested my latest design after installing it in my car. It is working very well. I never have to drain out any water from the water trap and I was very surprised to discover that while on my 41 mile test drive, I only burned 0.471 gallons of gas. That is 87 miles per gallon. But, I am not using plain water. It is really only a matter of total energy. It takes energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen, but the things I am mixing with the water have some energy in them. I am putting two tablespoons of bicarbonate of soda in one quart of water and at least 8 ounces of isopropol alcohol. After charging up this solution for several minuets, just add a cap full of hydrogen peroxide and turn the electrical power off. It will go crazy and produce more gas than you ever thought possible. The electro chemical reaction is really something to watch. It is almost scary. The only problem is that it will use up 10 ounces of water every 40 miles. It seems that the engine is running a bit hot as well. But, no engine problems so far.

    Here is a vid he made on his dads car that makes 60mpg

  3. Good question.  

    Smoky, I watched the video.  I would believe it more if the experiment were more accurate.  Meaning, drain the fuel tank, put in 1 gallon of gas.  Drive it for X number of miles and then drain the tank.  Comparing the remaining fuel to start amount will give a more accurate mileage.  Just going by how much it took to fill the tank is not really worth anything.  I say that because every fuel pump is different.  One pump (at the same station) will stop pumping at one amount and another pump will stop at a different amount.  The shut off safety feature on pumps will differ due to normal usage.  The results will be inconsistent.  

    The experiment itself WAS interesting though. Thanks

  4. You cannot use water to fuel anything.  Anyone who claims you can is either 1) ignorant or 2) a charlatan.  This is simple physics and chemistry, not some conspiracy.

  5. Bob hit the nail on the head, it's a scam.

  6. Because it's not "free energy".  It's just a scam.    One that has been used by many con men.

    Water has little energy content.  What the scammers do in their demonstrations is to use electrolysis to break water into hydrogen and oxygen which do have high energy (which came from the electricity).  

    Meyer was convicted of fraud for this scam:

    "They decided that there was nothing revolutionary about the cell at all and that it was simply using conventional electrolysis.  Meyer was found guilty of "gross and egregious fraud" and ordered to repay

    the investors their $25,000 (£15,000). "

    This scam is nothing new.  It was tried in the 1800s:

  7. Because it's a scam??? Ya think that could be it?

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