
Why aren't women allowed to fight in war?

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Why is it that men have to fight. some say it is unethical and when only one side fights it causes a huge dent in the growth of population. Therefore, i really don't see why women can't fight.




  1. you can you just ant be in the front the people on the ground in HEAVY combat.

    other than that you can. their are many girls in Iraqi youtube it.

    i agree with the answer above mine, but is is also because women have "sanitation problems" once a month, and if your in the front lines you cant always stop and take care of that. (menstrual cycles for people who don't get it)

  2. Are you serious? They've been on the battle front for over a decade now.

    Have you been sleeping under a tree listening to dwarves bowl?

  3. Women are physically the weaker s*x. I'm not one bit sexist, but 9 times out of 10 a man will out run, lift more, and perform better overall when it comes to fitness of all kinds. Not sexist before I'm slated, its purely genetic. Look back in time, men fought, women stayed home. So that's how our bodies have adapted, goes right back to the stone age.

  4. The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) already tried it and found out that when a woman is wounded, the men stop what they're doing to help her.

    IDF concluded that there was a genetic or inborn trait for men to protect women since women carry on the species.  So the IDF stopped putting women in combat roles.

  5. That's how it has been since the beginning of time. Call me sexist if you want, but I'd rather have a man fighting by my side versus a woman.  

  6. It's another ethical milestone the USA can't get past. Simple as that. Nothing to do with "9 times out of 10" because that still gives 1 out of 10 women a combat MOS. I wish I could be a little more informative, but it really is as simple as that.

  7. It wasn't always that way

    Boutica a favorite historical character of mine was a female General the Queen of the Iceni's she fought the legions of Rome and beat them

    She gathered up men and women to fight to Romans Imperialist

    The very patriarchal rulers of Rome were horrified by the concept and the defeat by a mere woman

    She was unsuccess full in stopping the Roman Army from killing all the Druids but thought if she could merge her armies with the Kingdom of Mercia she could save her people the same fate of extermination at the hands of Rome

    Even more unfortunate Boutica lost in her last battle and was killed

    She fell into the trap of arrogance - and had invited villagers to come and watch her kick some Roman butt

    The Romans sent multiple legions the best of the mercenaries they could to defeat this female General and Queen

    The massacre was so complete that only Roman historians were left to account the battle - saying that the Iceni fought bravely and were in every way fearless - describing them as barbarians who had their women fight with their men they lost because the Celt's fought as individuals and therefore no match for the units of Rome who killed as one machine

    Boutica - Queen Elizabeth the 1st (who stood in front of her army)

    and others of note such as the fabled myths of the Valkyries (Freyja Queen of the Valkyries ) etc all female warriors

    So why can't they fight now ?

    The patriarchal society of Rome ruled the globe - and became the patriarchal society of Britain which became the patriarchal society of the US of A

    The world was lost with the defeat of Boutica - that is my opinion we used to be equals until an Empire from over there - well the rest is history as you know  

  8. Last time I checked 2 women have recieved silver stars so far for their valor in comba in Iraq. Not to shabby.

  9. Women technically aren't allowed in combat positions, but in reality women end often times end up in combat no matter what their job is.

  10. We can, except we cant fight on the front lines. We are now in an urban war fare so there really isnt any lines thus women fight daily.  However, any contribution to the war is fighting the war. One Team One Fight

  11. Ok so say a women fight in the front lines. What happens when they get captured? What do you think will happen to them then? They will be mostlikely raped and imagine getting news of your daughter being captured by the enemy.

  12. For several reasons.  

    Aside from the obvious, such as the fact that men are stronger and more physically capable (which isnt always true but for the most part is in regards to Infantrymen), there are other reasons.  One is the mans natural instinct to protect a woman, which could lead to follish decisions on the battlefield.  

    Another is the inevitable fraterinization that would without a doubt occur, and aside from the distraction it would cause it could also lead to betrayal on the battlefield.  We've all seen friends stab each other in the back over a girl...can you imagine it in combat?

    "Oh no, Sgt Smith is hit, i better crawl out and get him...oh wait, he's been ******* PFC Jones (a girl), maybe i'll let him die so then i have a shot with her"  Its a stretch, but one that could happen.  

    I think the biggest and most ignored reason women shouldnt be in combat arms, is the simple fact that the men already in these units dont want them there.  As an Infantry soldier, me and my friends in my unit have discussed this before, and 99.9% were against women being in the infantry.  The other .1% was a guy who just wanted them there so he could try and bang them.  Most of the infantry soldiers i know chafe at the idea of even having to salute female officers from other branches, let alone take orders from them in combat or fight next to them.  Not trying to be sexist, but thats just how i and they feel.  

  13. you dont expect much from a 5'2 90lbs women in front lines, but hey since they say giving birth is the hardest thing in the world. Then throw em in the front lines

  14. Not sure if you are watching the news but women are very much fighting in the war. They may not be allowed to join combat arms unit but they are far from sitting safely in rear. Many are assigned to units that go outside the wire, such as MPs

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