
Why aren't women funny?

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Lleh: you realise that the higher the IQ, the higher the proportion of males... right?




  1. because you are not listening to them !

    and as for the IQ question your wrong, as your 1st question answers the second one!!!!

  2. You obviously mix in the wrong circles if you haven't met a woman that makes you laugh.Maybe it says something about you.

  3. WOMAN arent usually funny because thjey take racism and sexcist jokes badly....

  4. Well men think their funny because women are forced to laugh at their stupid jokes in order to boost their fragile ego. Perhaps you also realize that you spelled realize wrong, so I guess your IQ indicates you aren't very smart, and thus not very funny, so I wouldn't talk.

  5. They are, maybe you don't have the brain power to understand jokes other than toilet humour. And as for your add details, someone needs to go back to biology class!

  6. when I first saw your question I thought it said Why aren't women furry? which was quite intriguing. But since you refer to their relative lack of humour, I guess it could be explained in terms of humour being a function of higher intelligence and a well developed brain, while I think you will find that women have smaller skulls, smaller brains and er, less capacity for the higher type of thinking.  

  7. On the humour of men, via a purely female stance:  "When you've Adam, don't it make you wanna Eve?"

  8. Because there is quite a large degree of logic involved in comedy.

  9. They are funny.  They just use intellectual humor, irony and sarcasm instead of potty humor.  You just don't get it!

  10. Perhaps you should meet my friend Michelle. She's the funniest person I know. Or my cousin Ann-Marie. Can't get more funnier than she is. Pity you don't know any, that you automatically think men are funnier.  

  11. Some do get it, but a lot of women are up their own @ss

    thats the reason i keep just a few female friends, as most spend their time being real B****'s

  12. Why aren't men smart?  They start wars, beat-up women, are sexaholics, crowding up jails, hate g**s b/c they aren't comfortable with their own sexuality (although getting naked and putting their p***s in all sort orifices)...oh, am I stereotyping?  Sorry, your question kind of brought that out in me!  :- p

  13. <sitting with arms held akimbo>  I don't know, so you tell me why women aren't funny.

  14. Just because you don't understand their humor, doesn't mean they are not funny. Most women have evolved past f**t jokes, Sweetie.

  15. because women are too careful of what they say, or they get offended too easily. Men don't give a c**p about things, and that's what makes them funny.

  16. Think you've missed the point matey, our humour is obviously far too subtle and ironic for men to understand...Men just dont have the mental capacity to see what they are missing. Who has the most laughs on a group night out - girls obviously - men are too occupied with looking macho, talking about their cars and avoiding anything emotional. Dont have a girlfriend? Shame- you need to get yourself a sense of humour...

  17. wow. This question is a perfect example of how wide spread misandry is in western civilization.

         Sure women can be funny, but most of there humor is based upon sexist man hating humor.

           But a good deal of women do have a sense of humor, they just don't frequent here often.

  18. In general, people make jokes with people they feel comfortable with.  I, for one, avoid freaks like the plague.  So, you see what I'm getting at here, right?  

  19. It takes a high degree of logic, which has to operate in a rapid fashion to process and understand most jokes

    Jokes and humour can and do operate on many levels, thus pose a problem, if you are busy concentrating on the days Multi-Tasking. lol

  20. I'm a woman and I'm hilarious! and I'm not dumb either.

  21. What, any women? Ever?

    If you think no women are funny its probably because they're not really talking to you and you need to ask yourself why.

  22. Its because most of them are mindless and shallow. To be funny, a person need a lot of mental stamina, rational thinking and a good judgement.

    To find the humor in things, one needs a logical, rational mind that can see the abusrdity or irrationality in things which most people would not bother questioning. The ability to take things out of context, the ability to contrast things with more rational or ideal ways of doing or saying.

  23. Why do quite a few men find the 3 stooges funny-yet many women just find the 3 stooges--stupid? A lot of women don't find people acting stupid funny-as a matter of fact-many of us find it boring.

    I watch the Comedy Channel quite often and I rarely find a comic that is capable of being funny-as they usually rely on putting down women and talking about farts and getting drunk and complaining about not getting any s*x. If a man or woman can talk about something sarcastically or ironically with intelligence-I find that funny.    

  24. I'll try to explain.

    You see, women don't have balls, so the odds of you seeing them ever being hit in the balls, are greatly reduced. I'll try to break down the science for you: UG UG *scratch* MOOOOO *grunt*

    Other posters will tell you that women do have a sense of humor, and this is why they laugh at you, but don't listen to them. They're just jealous because your balls hurt more.  

  25. You know whats weird, male comedians are very funny, but when females are comedians they always act manly which gets them to the funny stage, I'm a girl and like really girly, I'm funny, but as I'm making jokes I feel all tomboyish its weird, I guess guys just get the humor.

  26. Women can be funny,its just different senses of humour they usually get laughts out of observational and situational humour and have a laught at men,while with males its usually observational humour mixed with abstract sillyness

  27. Some of them are but it's a sophisticated kind of humor that can't be understood by anyone whose IQ has less than three digits.  

  28. I disagree, I saw a woman fall over in the shopping center yesterday and I nearly pissed myself.  

  29. I have to say I don't like female comedians and woman can't tell jokes! I don't know it must be to do with comic timing, men like to act the clown.  

  30. Hey that was not a nice question at all. I am always laughing and smiling and people find me funny, maybe if there not its becouse of the miserable men they are with. And i will say there is also alot of very professional women out there. Do not ever put women down couse you would be useless without us, u say women are dumb but half u men cant even work a simple thing likea washing machine becouse its very technical that is, hahahaha

  31. im assuming that you don't have a girlfriend and probbably will never have one judging by the quesion.

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