
Why aren't you supposed to drain grease in the sink?

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I heard somewhere that it's not a good idea to drain grease (like from beef or bacon) down the kitchen sink. I'm just wondering what's wrong with it. :)





  1. Once it cools it can cause clogs. If you do, run tons of hot water down after it.

    Also if its really hot it can damage PVC pipes.

  2. Every few weeks I have to lift the lid on the shared sewer drain in my back garden and use drain rods to unblock it.  It is usually solidified fat from other peoples cooking.  It is a disgusting job (which I could get the council to do, but I can't take time off work to wait in for them).  I live in a victorian house and unlike modern houses, the shared drain is at the back of the house which means that unless I want to put up with the smell of sewage, I have to clean it myself.  When possible, let the fat cool and then scrape into the bin, not down the sink!

  3. It can affect the process at the sewerage ponds.

    You can also clog your pipes.

    If you every do block your sink tip a jug or boiling hot water, directly down the hole.

    Enough boiling water will hit the fat and melt it.

  4. Grease will build up and eventually clog the drain. Plumbers love the stuff. They makes tons of money off people that pour it down their drains.

  5. Because any kind of grease will go down the drain just so far and become one big glob which will stop up the drain; no ifs ands or buts about it.

    Then you have to pay a plumber to unclog the mess because you have no way of knowing how far the grease went before it stopped.

  6. because the pipes will get blocked of hard grease

  7. It clogs your pipes!!! Pour it in an empty vegie can or let it cool and dump in the trash...if it's from chicken or bacon, pour it in something you can save and re-use it!! It's great for home fried potatoes!

  8. As the grease cools, it turns into a solid mass, and will plug the drain line, sometimes a long way from the sink.

    If you do put some in by mistake run hot water for 10 min to help clear.  If you have to snake a drain with grease, use cold water, so you are snaking something solid.

  9. Couple reasons.  First, the hot grease hits the cold pipes, solidifies, and sticks inside the pipe, eventually clogging it.

    Second, it makes a mess out of the septic system, in that it can really mess up its ability to process well, you know.  And if you mess up your septic system, you're into big money issues.

  10. Coz it sticks to ur drain pipes and blocks them!

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