
Why aren't you thanking the 'conspiracy theorists' for giving you information you wouldn't normally know about

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there are some incredibly intelligent people out there who know a lot more about Politics than the average person.

Politics is a very fascinating subject if you look into it. but you have to look into it in depth. it takes time to read through govt laws & understand them, it can be very boring. but it's important to keep on top of what is happening in the world.

the news on television can't be trusted, look at how ABC, CBS & NBC report the israeli & palestinian deaths - scroll down & see the graphs:

doesn't this make you angry? disappointed?

people complain about 'conspiracy theorists' because they point out the discrepancies in the facts given by the gov't & that disturbs them & shatters their idea of this 'ideal' 'american dream' picture they have.

it's not easy knowing the truth, in fact it's horrible.

instead of complaining, you should be grateful that someone is analysing the laws while you watch some mindless entertainment on tv.




  1. So a hate Israel site is your best source for information?  I some how doubt that you are open-minded enough to realize just how bigoted you are.  I think that a site that references Al-Jeezera as a reputable source is only good for laughs.

  2. Typical answers from typical servants.. paid, or private... they're all the same. Strange times we're living in. It's not the first time in our country's history though...

    we've always had a strong reactionary element, it's no secret that from the beginning there has always been that struggle.

    John Adams is immortalized, but if you read your history, you'll know that Adams was loyal to the crown, as was Washington, and many others..  the slaughter of the Natives, the industrial revolution, Eugenics, McCarthyism, etcetcetc... there is a clear fascist undercurrent, and the last 8 years have been a return to that mentality.. so do not confuse their lack of regard for Democracy and Democratic principle as complacency... No no no, they are anti truth, anti human, anti nature and natural law...

    of course to descent is to practice your rights as an American... but that's a "Liberal' perspective.. to them Might makes right, and with their Zealous God fearing, family value Horseshit.. they'll burn you at the stake just the way they did  over 9 million Woman as witches

    these are the enemy. just waiting to be wound up... they are your neighbours, and your co-workers, and you'll never know it until you find out the hard way, they've always been here,...waiting..

    and the crowd voice booms...

    Sieg Heil!

  3. Thank you for sharing your amusing myths and fairy-tales.

  4. "Conspiracy" can be such a harsh term and the average uniformed person usually associat the term with a hippy or some college child.  However, some who use logic and gather logistical evidence are surely accepted into an inner circle of the informed and many are well educated.  I myself, have a MA in Psychology and is curently working on my PhD in Organizational Psychology.  

    There is certainly a revolution happening in this country and it has started with "informing" the uniformed.  

    On the other hand, has anyone seen the data on the rise of milita memberships??

  5. Denial, It's Ok I don't blame them.  I'd be mad at myself for voting for Bush too if I was dumb enough to do that.  Thanks isn't needed.

  6. I think the truth is reaching a lot more minds out there than anyone realizes from the quack responses and one liners.

    As someone said, the truth passes through three stages. First it is ridiculed, 2nd it is violently opposed, finally it is accepted as evident truth. Don't expect thanks. We're getting there. Keep the faith, baby!

  7. Because a great deal if the "information" they post isn't true.

  8. Good luck... they're not a thankful bunch.  The 'debunkers' are a nasty bunch.  Always with the name-calling...

  9. Youre dealing with people who think being loyal to your country means serving and supporting the government.  The government is supposed to serve the people not rule them.  It is meant to Improve your life, not make it worse.  We are supposed to watch the government, not be watched by it.  Most sadly have never read the constitution or the Declaration. and most prefer to buy foreign products not caring that it puts their fellow americans out of work.

  10. It aint a theory if you have 2 or more peices of information, even un answered questions, that aren't jiving with the pat answers we are spoon fed by the media.

    It just isn't theory anymore. It is real and folks need to wake up!

  11. Points of error argued from a specific point of view are readily labelled "conspiracy theorists" in an attempt to squash the arguement.

  12. I am thankful for the so called "conspiracy theorists."  There are two major reasons why their arguments are so casually dismissed and even worse; ridiculed.  First, the people who consider the painful reality are unable to think for themselves and second, even if they were, they couldn't handle the truth.  If you try to enlighten them, they respond by sticking their fingers in their ears and repeat as loudly as necessary to drown out your voice, "LaLaLaLaLa..." As you said, the truth truly is horrible and you have to be tough to live with this knowledge.

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