
Why arent enviromentalists complaining about China drilling into the same oil fields from Cuba?

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the same oil fields that they wont let U.S. companys drill into from off shore Florida.

I think this says a lot about the far left politics of environmentalists. just like the deal that China recently settled with Iraq to develop the oil fields there.

check yahoo news for details.




  1. I did an extensive search of news on the web and couldn't find a single reference to China drilling into any Cuban oil fields - what was the source of the report?

    Why do you automatically think that environmentalists have far-left politics as a motivator? I own and run a very succesful business and I believe we should look after the planet too. I have environmental policies for the business because after all, no planet = no customers!

    The Chinese deal in Iraq was already agreed in 2003 prior to the invasion and has just been finalised post sanctions lifting and invasion so it doesn't seem to have any relevance?

  2. Your already answered your own question and I couldn't have put it better myself.

    If the environmentalist (mostly left wingers) were so concerned they would have already concluded that if we didn't drill in the gulf the Chinese would and that's just what is soon going to happen. China doesn't give a rip if they destroy the ecology in that region as long as they're making money to fund their sorry brand of communism.

    Have fun with the $4-5 gasoline prices which will soon be coming.

    I guess our environmentalist don't think we can regulate our oil industry any better than the Chinese nor do they really care if the Gulf gets saturated with oil. If this isn't proof to people how shallow and phony these pig-milkers are then there's no hope for those who ignore the facts as it stares them in the face.

  3. I have no idea, maybe it is hard to be politically correct?

  4. Who cares?

  5. You mean the little communist darlings of the left.  they can do no wrong.  i mean we moved all industry over there and pollute and then don't forget about human rights violations.  They get a free pass.  besides they are in Panama making the canals wider for their supertankers which will be dropping off the stuff they made for our industry over there at mexican ports that will transverse the 'superhiway" which will take up 4,000 sq miles east of dallas.  It will be 3 football fields wide.

    Thanks goddness an administration sold them the technology for ballistic missiles, huh.  Oh by the way they are not American, so it doesn't count, only if from here then it's "katie bar the door".  Take care.

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