
Why arent i testing right

by  |  earlier

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i started my period july 23rd and i used my ovulation calander and it said to have s*x from august 1st till the 5th and them would be the best time to get pregnant while i took my ovulation test today and it says that im i testing at the wrong time?




  1. I'm sure you're taking the test right....  Just keep in mind that every women ovulates at a different time depending on how long their cycle is, how long their luteal phase is, etc.  So some of the calculators don't help much if you don't have the "average" cycle.  To make it even more complicated the LH surge can be as short as 12 hours so it can be difficult to catch.  If your cycle is a typical 28 day cycle my doc says to start the LH tests on CD11.  I have a 31-32 day cycle and start mine on CD14 because I have a short luteul phase.  Hope that helps!  Good luck =)

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