
Why arent the people allowed to take a vote on issues such as g*y marriage?

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rather than having congress,politicians or the courts decide?isnt it better for the people to decide if they want it?




  1. We are not a direct democracy.  We have representatives who vote for us.

  2. There's no mechanism set up nationwide for a referendum process.

    Only certain states have it.

  3. Issues on g*y marriage, abortion and similar concerns must be voted upon by the people through a referendum as part of the democratic process.

  4. Because this is a republic not a democracy.

  5. I think many issues should be settled by popular vote.  Deficit spending, abortion, g*y civil unions, Social Security, type of health care we want.  But don't expect the politicians to give any power to the people.

  6. Mob rule in a sports coat.  I think representative government works in the case of g*y marriage.

  7. Civil rights have never been decided by popular vote. If that were the case, interracial marriage would still be illegal, and slavery would have lasted a lot longer than it did.

    That is one of the basic precepts of the Constitution, that no group of people should be subject to the "tyranny of the majority". The judiciary and the legislature are allowed to overrule the electorate when it comes to issues of individual rights and equal treatment under the law.

    The only way the electorate can overrule the legislature and the judiciary is by amending the constitution.

    RE: additional details:

    The majority of the country is against g*y marriage, but the majority is also against amending the constitution to ban it. I thnk you are mixing those 2 concepts together.

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