
Why arent we enforcing the use of renewable energy and alternative forms or fuel?

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why do we persist on continuing using our cars, boats or other vehicles when the price of oil is so high with so many protest from many industry groups across the world pleading their national governments to do something about the price of gas.

Is it not obvious enough that oil will run out and with the increasing price of fuel world wide? Its like humans are willing to pay more fuel money to drive thier car from A to B.

Why are we so reliant a non renewable resource that will eventually out. Its like society has a fetish for oil and fuel where we have become so dependent on it.

What can be done to break this addiction to non renewable resources that we depend so much on.




  1. I agree gas prices are horrible. There needs to be a better gas alternative for everyone. It gets to expensive to drive on gas and its a hassle to trade them in for a newer car. I sucked it up and converted my car to run partially on water. I got double mpg so thats working good.

  2. You have my vote. The "problem" is that the politicians make decisions based on the best interest of money and the economy. I disagree that oil will run out in the next ten years but when it starts showing evidence up such a problem

    then you will begin to see such mandates. The people want to get rid of oil, but the economy currently depends on it; a forced switch could cause an economic depression comparable to the one in the 30's. This why the switch is being made slowly. Honda, Ford, Toyota, Exxon; forget them; their ignorance in the market have allowed demand for oil to slump and have given way to the rise of companies such as Tesla and Phoenix Motorcars. A revolution against oil has begun and none of the big automakers are prepared to meet it. I am not revolting against these companies, but they have bothered me with their constant carelessness about anything but profit. And toyota with one car above 40 mpg (average at what out technology is capable of)  is no greener then the rest.

  3. Laziness.    And because the alternatives are not immediately equal to the 100years of development the gas model  got in performance related testing, so alternatives die on the concept table.

      Secondly, people are never FORCED to drive cars.     It is a choice for a mode of transportation.  They could walk, or take a bike,bus,train, or a horse drawn wagon.

  4. The $10 a gallon we pay in the UK is ridiculous.

    As to answer the question, we already have. The Diesel engine, was actually designed to be run on Canola Oil! Modern Diesels are simply adapted to run on mineral oil, with the right injectors and fuel pump any diesel can be run on bio-diesel at the least, maybe even pure plant oil.

  5. we the people are going to have to take the figurative 2x4 and figuratively whack the jackasses in congress up side the head with it, and get them to stop pandering to the environmentalist wacko's, and get rid of the road blocks to making this country energy independent. that means we need to drill for the oil where it is in the US, develop alternative forms of energy including nuclear, geothermal, liquefied coal, and various biofuels. we have enough land area to grow enough sugar cane to make alcohol without hurting food stocks.

  6. florida will be one of the biggest producers of bio fuels...the state is able to grow year takes about 2 to 3 yrs to break even on costs after 5 yrs the plant is fully functional and making are cooping them and seem to be doing well so far.

    the corn they use isnt corn humans use for food,it is corn used to feed livestock.they have also been creating ways to make man made fuels.the process right now takes more time and money but are quickly being rendered quicker results.

    read it or just look it up on yahoo...biofuels is very interesting and i think can help america quicker than most other ways.we have scientists genetically splicing seeds for the best results and the smartest farmers....people think farmers are dumb....they surely arent.take the time to look this up.

    sometimes its has nothing to do with laziness...but i have to be at work for 630 am workin 10 hour plus days im not gettin up and hoppin on a bus at 4am to make it to the other side of town  then doing another 2 hour ride after work in rush hour traffic on a bus to save some money or gas.working outside takes alot out of people and your comment  being so vague and generalized makes no sense for everyone except for big big city people with no sprawl or for several city blocks."sigh NooB"

  7. Because there aren't any renewable energy sources that actually work.  There are no alternative-fueled cars on the market--none.  Solar energy produces 0% of the electric power in the US, and wind power is less than a fraction of 1%, and that's when the wind is blowing hard.  

    Despite what you may have been told in your school science classes and the Discovery Channel, wishing real hard for things doesn't get machinery engineered and working.  Neither does passing laws.

  8. Why aren't we enforcing the use of renewable energy and alternative forms of fuel...because the gov't get too much money from big oil to turns its back on them.  Much of the $4,00 a gallon price we currently pay is towards taxes.  Taxes that support the country to have the "programs" that we have.  With the gov't not largely backing alternative ways of operating cars we are left to private investors and the public to create these methods then find a way to fight big brother to make them cost effective for the avg joe to buy.  Come on, we can land on the moon but can't make hybrid cars cheaper than $30,000.  It all comes down to dollars and cents and the gov'ts not willing to give it up.

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