
Why arent we intervening in the war with Georgia and Russia?

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Alright, this is making me mad. We should be at least providing funding or jets or something. When an ally is in trouble, and they helped you (georgia had the 3rd most soldiers in iraq for us), are you not supposed to do something at least? Russia is wiping out our ally and we are just sitting back, congress on vacation and the president just making verbal warnings (not even threats). Anyone know why?




  1. You mean there are still people dumb enough not to know why?

    Russia has a huge nuclear arsenal and how many of there nuclear subs are sitting off the United States right now.Work it out countries do not declare war on other countries with nuclear weapons!Do i need to explain about ICBMs

    I could go on to explain the situation in Iran and the Russians backing there nuclear program and how that would effect any outcome there in the future but what would be the point.Best you work it out for yourselves.

  2. yep we dont have enough troops for a full scale war with russia, we need NATO support

  3. This is to anyone who thinks that a war with Russia, or any other large country at this point is winnable. It hurts me to say this as a veteran of our armed forces, and having fought with Georgian troops, and trained with Russian and Polish troops in Torgau (joint live-fire exercise with the Russian and U.S. Military), With the current state and commitments of our military forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, we would not be able to alone sustain any type of large operation against Russia.

    Its not about numbers, or military manpower as the current Iraq war has proven. Its about tactics. Russia has been watching...The only country with more active spies inside the United States is China. And of course, China would not join in the fray outright, but believe it would supply Russia with any intelligence it has gathered and continues to gather. And yes we have a large amount of available military manpower, however, the number you forgot to quote was the number of Average Yearly Available Military Manpower, which we only outnumber slightly in Russia. And no figures we gain from Russia are completely accurate, with the corruption and deception by the SVR (former KGB) and other Russian Political Security Forces, we cannot trust any numbers coming out of that country.

    Dmitri Medvedev, the current Russian president, is a dangerous man, not in his own right, but his desire to please his mentor Vladmir Putin could potentially jeopardize any countries in that region, which makes the situation even more precarious. My theory is that Russia had this planned all along, and waited, not only for the U.S. forces traning in Georgia to leave (On August 4th) to attack the county. Because if Russia deliberately attacked the US, the response from the rest of the world would be overwhelming. But so would the destruction, in the end no one wins.

    Because a war between the US and Russia would most certainly go nuclear either intentionally or unintentionally, and no one wins a nuclear war. Its called MAD or (Mutually Assured Destruction).

  4. It is pissing me off to !!

    If we are not going to help then we should have the balls to tell them that we are nothing more then true cowards !! For that we will help everyone on the face of earth except a friend in need !

    I hope they put together an  American  recruiting aid for those that will go and help fight if So I am there !!!

  5. Do you really want to risk WWIII for a country who provided 2000 troops?  We have been training their troops for the last 5 or 6 years as well as providing basic arms; however, they have their own industrial base with the capability to produce weapons (for instance, the ground attack bomber Suk-25 which Russia attacked early on in the current exchange).  

    Reality is this is a former Soviet Union bloc country that we have no business being involved with.  Creates way too much risk for the world, not just us.  I am thankful this did not happen after Georgia was a member of Nato or else we would have a serious problem.  Russia is going to ring in it's satellite states that have been acting against their view of the "greater good."

    Doesn't make it right but our hands are tied.  Diplomacy is the answer here.  Firm but fair!

  6. Cowardice - see the democratic convention rules - it seems that the more you have, the more "patriotic" you are deemed in the America of today.

  7. The short answer is because we already have two of our own wars going on.

  8. We could send a small peace keeper contingent to Georgia on the same pretext as Russia is in S.Ossetia..Subs off our coast huh?..Dont you know the Russian Navy is in such disarray it barely keeps itself afloat let alone off our coast..

    Im not saying go into Georgia with guns a blazing..Just go in their under peace keeping only..Our Air force and Navy dont have much to do in Iraq or Afganastan anyways..Its the Army and Marines who are stretched out..With the Iraq taking more and more control of its country we have a few brigades sitting around we could use..And whatever the EU and NATO can toss in..

  9. With what resources exactly?  According to our military leaders we are understaffed for the two wars we are currently fighting.  I doubt we can mount a third...

  10. I do not have a connections to Russia and do not like to favor any sides. But I speak Russian language as well and watch news every day CNN and Russian channels. People, open your eyes! Did you here that august 7 in Tshinvali(SO) women and children die? They were smashed under Georgian Tanks! Older woman and 2 small children were smashed.. Tank crossed over them treating like a dirt. How about women burned alive in the garage? It isn't about just one case. It is about 2000 people(official number)! Why CNN keeps quiet about it? Why did we here the news august 8th only delivered to your ears by Georgian president. I don't care how dirty poliTIcal games could be. But I care about mothers and their children. I appreciate the country where I live in. But I can't close my ears and eyes when innocent die. Do we care? Does anyone care at all? What if your family will be executed like that tomorrow. Will you care then?

    I hope someone heard me.If not just forget it...

  11. Isn't Afganistan, Iraq, may Iran and anyone else the US doesn't agree with enough?  Where are we going to get the soldiers?  Is it our job to save the world?  

    More importantly, how can the President stand up and say it's unlawful to invade a sovereign nation in the 21st century when it's exactly what we did in Iraq?  

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