
Why arents they making any more HD DVD ?

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Why arents they making any more HD DVD ?




  1. because blu-ray won the war.

  2. Because most of the studios and big tech companies were backing Blu-Ray, and the few who were backing HD-DVD decided to cut their losses and pull the plug. There is no point in continuing to pour money and time into supporting a dead format.

    Frankly, HD-DVD should never even have got to market in the first place. It was obvious to anyone that there was only room for one HD format, and they should have sorted the whole mess out before sticking product on shelves.

  3. In the beggining, their were dvds. Then we had a high definition revolution where suddenly everything has to be hi-def. This included dvds. 2 main competitors emerged. They were the hd dvd and blu-ray. Some of the video gaming systems already had blu ray support, so blu ray got support from video games. For whatever reason, many companies started endorcing and fitting their products with blu-ray. Soon almost all of the hi def dvds were blu ray. Hd dvd accepted defeat, and that standard is no longer avalible

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