
Why argue against evolution if you do not understand it?

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Ok so not everyone agrees with it... Fine. I can deal with that. But it drives me nuts when people try to argue when they do not really understand it. Most argue saying oh so we came from monkeys, just magically came from monkey's... I do not know of one scientist that has actually said that. That MAY be where the chain started according to the theory but there are many links in between. There are only a few that we are missing.

Obviously I believe in evolution ( Simply to much evidance to dismiss it). But I also believe in God.. something had to start the universe and I think it was him. or her lol.

But please even if you do not agree with it.. do alot of research on it.. the best way to fight evolution is to understand it first. If your older and in colloge seek a anthropology class, you will find it intresting.. if not then look it up on the net ^_^.




  1. I've come to understand the willfully ignorant don't even understand their own religion, much less science or scientific methods. You must realize these people are doing well to dress themselves without help and not only that, they are proud of their ignorance and are determined to stay that way.

    One never hears of anyone attempting to prove creationism or even offering up scientific evidence that might support it. They'd rather hurl rocks at people that seek the truth.

  2. Okay. I agree. Yeah , we came from monkeys but we actually came from fish first. That's what makes evolution so fascinating. I agree ppl shouldn't argue unless they understand it.

  3. is that a rhetorical questions lmao

  4. The questions reflect the disinformation they are being taught.  As a religious person, I have seen mountains of the stuff.

  5. God does not lie.

    So the Earth is only 4,500 years old and the mountains have all those layers to give us interesting things to discuss and test our faith, like fossils for evidence of extinct creatures and carbon dating and half life of radioactive dating of events that happened millions of years ago.

    Would God give us an unpredictible universe?  We cannot know what may come tomorrow, but we know that the Earth will continue to rotate on its axis revealing the Sun to all.  The Sun will not rise. Not literally, but we say it that way as an homage to the idea that the Sun crosses the sky of our flat Earth.

    If you believe the Earth is flat, go back to Europe.  But be careful that you find a country that will accept your denomination.

  6. We don't have to "argue against it."

    The burden of proof is on YOU (and others believing in the THEORY) to argue for it and to try to make your case for something that must maintain a presumption of being false until you achieve success.

    It's sort of like a court case, where presumption of innocence must exist until the time of proof otherwise.

    With all due respect, it seems that a lot of decades have gone by and evolutionists still have failed to present their case. I therefore submit that the case be dismissed and that evolution be declared as permanent theory only, with encouragement for people to disbelieve it, because it's basically stupid. Sort of like global warming, which is another lie.

  7. Consider the response that starts: "The burden of proof is on YOU (and others believing in the THEORY) to argue for it and to try to make your case for something that must maintain a presumption of being false until you achieve success."

    This generally sums up the creationist issue. That creationism is true, correct and doesn't need to be proven. HOWEVER one can take potshots at evolution all day long.

    The post "So the Earth is only 4,500 years old" OK Archbishop Ussher set that date and another biblical scholar set the actual date as 23 October 4004BC. So shall that be a formal holiday?

    Notice that the creationist posts also are basically fundamentalist Christian. Seems they have the one true version and the thousands of other creation narratives are fasle.

    That evolution as an explanation has been around for 150 years and hasn't been shot down, you have to ask where people are getting their information.

  8. I know a lot of evolutionists who don't understand Christianity either. They don't understand a God who can create anything from nothing, and they argue accordingly.

    And the evidence thing is really just an opinion, because all of the evidence is clearly faulty, I say there's simply too little evidence to possibly accept the theory.

    I know quite a lot about evolution, and why it doesn't fit.

    Forged skeletons, faulty rock layers, low odds of successful mutation etc.

    Not to mention the astounding amount of evidence toward other explanations. Over 3 religions based on the Bible, concerning millions of believers, dating back to the year A.D. 1 at least. (On a side note, if the events of the Bible weren't true, what would the year A.D. 1 mark?)

  9. No argument here you see if we came from monkeys fish or what ever why then are there still monkeys fish and what ever how can anyone believe we came from anything that still exists today. We came from man and dogs came from dogs and monkeys came from the jungle and thats that.

  10. I agree with your argument. But then again, if people only argued about things they understand, there wouldn't be much arguing.

  11. Well, spontaneous generation is kinda ridiculous.  Okay well god gives a reason for people to live...Though he is not curing disease, Humans are doing all of this.

  12. There is no link between man and any animal, period.

  13. okay..  so i have the answer to this.  im a christian but im a big science freak.

    you know how they say evolution started when particles in space mixed up.  how could unreal dust particles make something as complex as just a human muscle.  let alone the whole body its sefl from nothing.

    and my biggest fact.

    im sure we all heard of the big bang theroy... and how they say that it blew up and thats what made all.  a little speck of energy that was so dense.....

    where did it come from...

    theres a law in sceince that matter is neither created or destroyed.  so where did it come from if you alply that theroy.

    now from the bible.

    god created this all and every scienest will be like.  well where did god come from.

    in the book of revolutations.   God speaks for him self sayin "i am the aplha and omega.... i am the beginning and the end."

    he was here before any thing even existited.

    hoped i helped :)

  14. There is an interesting psychological phenomenon called the Dunning-Kruger effect. This states that the less knowledge or competence you have in a subject, the more you tend to oversestimate your knowledge or skill, while the more knowledge you have, the more you tend to underestimate it.

    In other words, those people who know least about a subject tend to think they know all there is to be known about it. So they are quite happy, not knowing the first thing about evolution, to come on YA or other forums and argue the most easily-refuted falsehoods and straw men.

  15. cause i know humans didnt evolve from friggin monkeys, and the earth wasnt formed from a chemical reaction >:O

  16. Evolution does exist. Any one who has half the education of a middle school er can see the logic in it. Some wolves who were not so afraid of early man kind - later became dogs through breeding.  I can also except intelligent design .Perhaps not in the exact way that fundies do though (I think the bible does speak of evolution and is so much deeper than the religious churches care to know) Fundamental Christians and Scientists view creation as polar opposites.

    In Yellow Stone National Forest the warm hot springs  are home to  primordial life (called  soup ) and I have yet to read that any of these single celled creatures have changed into fish or salamanders. Even given a long amount of time (can't remember the time scale there ). On the other hand I poetically (and symbolically) believe that one day a scientist will be looking through the telescope or microscope and see the eye of God looking back at them. Through Quantum physics we know that any thing is possible. And I know deep down inside that when we discover God in both the spiritual and physical world we will evolve again. Could be exciting. And this is just my opinion.

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