
Why arn't people sent to jail for abortions, when they could be sent to jail for killing a dog?

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I don't understand why people can get away with killing babies, but if they kill or hurt an animal they could end up in jail. I don't think it is ok for people to harm animals, but since when did animals become more important than people? Any suggestions?




  1. Forcible sterilizations for all persons with a low IQ and I'm with you on changing abortion law.

  2. One of many heated discussions that don't really have a correct answer except based on a persons faith, but it seems to differ when you ask someone who opposes abortion if a devout nun is raped by a mentally retarded serial killer on her way to church, becomes pregnant, and finds out the child will face a serious illness at birth that could possibly kill her or wound the child for life.  It's still murder in principal, but the conservative opinions change quite fast.  Animals have no recourse and if you don't like an animal, just leave it alone. There are shelters all around for unwanted animals.

  3. It just goes to show you what a perverted and sick world we live in.  Right is wrong and wrong is right.  A sure sign of the times!  

  4. its hard like if they kill a mom with a baby thell get sent to jail also a preagnet dog so i guess both are mean the gov. should straight

    this up

  5. It is much better to have an abortion than to bring an unwanted child into the world where he or she will more than likely end up abused and neglected.  

  6. Because it's not a baby yet, it's a fetus.  In the days before it was legal, many young women were maimed and killed by back-alley doctors for unwanted pregnancies.  I don't think we want to return to that.  

  7. Because abortions are legal. Hurting an animal is not.

    Pretty simple really.............

  8. A dog isn't part of your body. It is a womans choice what to do with HER body not anyone elses. Is it illegal to get a tattoo? Or how about to eat a brownie? those are all choices that you make for your body and therefore they do not harm other humans or animals. As for animals being more important than humans they are because they are an integral part of nature unlike humans which are more or less leeches because we don't live with the land but against it.

    Oh and I should ask if you eat meat because if you do under your principles you should go to jail.  

  9. You generally develop legal rights upon birth, not before it. In America, you pretty much have the right to do what you want as long as it doesn't infringe upon someone else's rights. Under this doctrine, making abortion illegal was a violation of the mother's right to privacy.

    Animals also have no legal rights. If owned, their owners have property rights, if not owned, none at all. However, while many sane, law-abiding citizens choose to have abortions, the people who harm animals are generally mentally ill. Abortions can be performed for economic reasons, health reasons, or an abnormality in the fetus. There is never any valid reason to torture an animal.

    So most people who harm animals hide their conduct, knowing that they will be shunned for doing so. Taking a case to the Supreme Court is very expensive, and mental patients are generally too unstable to make much money. Also, organizations like the ACLU are not going to take a case like this because their donors will be appalled at them defending someone who hurt Fido. So while, in theory, an animal abuser could attempt to take his case to the Supreme Court by saying that his right to privacy was infringed upon, it is unlikely to ever happen. And if he did manage to have the will and the cash, the Supreme Court would probably not hear it, knowing that it would cause national outrage.

  10. abortion is legal in the united states. plain and simple

  11. alas the irony and ignorance of liberalism in America.  Stand by for a litany of liberal attacks, you just offended one of their highest "gods" - ABORTION!

  12. Because it isnt a full born baby.. and dogs and animals have already been subjected to this world.

    The government is a F&%^#ED thing

  13. "Killing babies"? Oh, goodness. Your country has one of the highest homicide rates in the world, crime is endemic, you would much rather show someone being shot to death in a film than - Heaven forbid - expose a singer's breast on stage! You have such strange hang-ups when it comes to s*x and the human body...

    Abortion is the moral RIGHT of the mother to terminate the foetus inside her. Her body. Her right. And no bible-bashing, tub-thumping, right-wing American should ever be allowed to deny her that right.

  14. Actually, killing a domesticated animal you own isn't illegal as long as it's done in a quick and humane manner.

    As for abortion, we have to draw the line somewhere between the rights of the fetus and the rights of the woman carrying it, as well as what would happen if women who aren't able or willing to take care of children are forced to have them or if they risk their lives trying to get illegal back-alley abortions.

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