
Why arn't the Eu and NATO stopping Russia now...?

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I mean come on Russia started it in the first place and now their goijng for georgian cities out side of the S.O. region why are we allowing this......




  1. Georgia is not a seated member to either organization.

    Russia is not a member of th EU.

    Russia is not a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

    There for neither of your Organizations can go sticking their nose in to the actions between to non member Oranizations.

    Russia is a seated member of the United Nations where as Georgia is not.

    The only thing that can be done is sanctions or Declare war upon Russia.

    If War is Declared upon Russia the China will sweep across Iran in to Iraq or take Tiwan,They could easily carry a war forward 25 to thirty years and hold Iran and Iraq the entire time, This too would shut off all the leagal Opine from Afganastan to the rest of the world were the two powers treaty to secure the region.  American Drug manufacturing would really be mad if this happened, Cause turkey is not to fond of the US or EU either.

  2. I don't think anyone will go to war for a country of 3mil, do you?

  3. Personally, I think Russia is just seeing how much they can get away with. The U.S. has already openly expressed their disapproval, but Russia doesn't care.

    Another part of the reason, (this is just my opinion) I think that Europe is afraid to get involved because a lot of their oil comes through that area. As for the U.S., I don't think we will jump in unless we have the backing of NATO. Going after terrorists in the middle east is one thing. Getting in the middle of a conflict between Russia and Georgia is a whole different matter. I would say President Bush wouldn't do much without NATO.  

  4. Mhmmmm, just like Poland back in the start of WW2,

    no one did smack, then acouple years later after germany had killed jews, everyone got involved, a bit late there dont you think,

    sooooooooo im thinking its going to take a while for someoen to react, i reely hate all the countries that arent doing anything,

  5. In order to keep their debt down and to pay for their social programs, Western Europe has been downsizing their military for decades.  The largest military in Europe is France and "is tapped out" after sending 36,000 soldiers outside the country.  England is "tapped out" after sending 35,000 of their troops outside their country.  Turkey is the only country dumping a decent amount of their their GNP into their military.  Turkey is already helping Georgia with humanitarian services.  Turkey has the same firepower the U.S. used on Iraq in both Gulf Wars.

  6. Like with every conflict, the nations of the world are trying to find a peaceful resolution to this conflict.  We aren't talking about an Iraqi army here.  Russia has the second strongest military in the world behind only the United States.

    No one wants this event to escalate into an all out war between NATO and Russia.  The EU is not doing anything because they are not a military organization.  The EU is more a economical and political organization, but they are working on a military backing also.

    Should this escalate into an all out war. hold on as it could become a major military conflict, on the verge of WWIII.  Hope to God this does no happen.

  7. For the same reasons that the UN allowed Iraq to violate security council resolutions and then vote to do nothing about it.  Not many countries have the stomach for a fight anymore.

  8. well for one it's not Nat's responsibility, as for the EU there are to many liberal feel good people in leadership positions in Europe to be very effective in such a situation.  

  9. So far it has been like some kind of reenactment of the beginning of WW2. Aggression on 1 countries part, and everyone else too tired of war to stop them). It's only one small country now, but how long do you think that is going to last? This is only the beginning, if we don't stop them now we will be facing a much more powerful machine in the future.

  10. Where were you when the Georgians invaded South Ossetia?  

    I'm not saying the Russians are right, but I wouldn't say they started the conflict.  They've backed South Ossetia for a while now, so it would have been expected of the Russians to help them in a time of need.  I imagine it would have been pretty bad for Russia's reputation with their allies if they hadn't.

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