
Why arnt my periods here yet??? please help meee!!!!?

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ok I'm 12 (and a half) i have had that whitish discharge for err 2 years i think i have pains(low dull throbbing in lower abdomen) for a year so why haven't i got my periods please help!!!




  1. ask your mom how old she was when she got her first period

    i was the youngest in my family i was about 11 going on 12

    both of my other sisters were 14 when they got theres

  2. sometimes they just take time, just be patient and enjoy not having them, they kinda suck.

  3. ur period will come when ur body is ready... I dont know what the throbbing is u should get that checked out by the doctor... but dont be in hurry to get it trust me it sucks big time!!

  4. Be thankful you haven't. I wouldn't be worried until you are least 17.

    Ask your mom when she got hers, or a sister, it may show some indication.

  5. everyone's body is different, some girls don't start till they are even a couple of years older....  i have a friend who rarely had any periods at all, she was able to have a child though

    don't worry about it, let nature take it's course

  6. Some people don't get their period until their late teens.  Trust me, you're not missing anything.  I got my period when I was 11, and all I could think is why is god punishing me with this awful pain.  Be thankful it's not here, it will come when you least expect it.

  7. I didnt get my period till I was 14.

    So if you're like me then you probably wont get it for another two or so years!

    If you dont get it when ur like 17 or 18 then you should see a doctor because then it is serious!!

    But seriously its different for everyone! So dont worry!

  8. hey it is not like this, if u are in pain need see a doctor

    your period will come in right time

    depends of  your genetic, ask your mother when her period start

    mine for exemple start when i was 14 years old, and believe me, is ot  very nice,it annoy a little, enjoy while u ont have


  9. Go to the doctor.  

  10. i think u need to see a doctor

    bc when i have a discharge i get my period a couple days later

  11. Don't worry! it will come when it wants to come. And you'll probably be wishing that you didn't have it.  

  12. I'm twelve and a half too! i had cramps for two days before i got mine so i wouldn't be worried. maybe you're eating too much/fast which caused the pains. my sisters got theirs when they were 13. all three of them. i got it when i was 11 1/2. masturbating wont do anything to effect it. i know you want it, cause i did too, but i haven't had it for a year and now i wish it was gone! soo just relax and it will come when your body is ready (but your not.) i got mine during a nap after school! while i was sleeping!

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