
Why arnt the American news stations carrying this story Russia vs. Georgia?

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I find it so very interesting that the rest of the world is givng their eyes and ears to the situation that appears to be escalating between Russia and Georgia and yet the U.S. news agencys have not given it even a side story where as in most nations are making it the 2nd biggest story if not the Headline...I just dont get what their reasoning is. I have wrote the major networks asking why...I mean, this could become a huge event. I understand that Hillary, Obama and McCain are hot topics in this election year, but my goodness, they are talking NATO, agression, war, and this could be a horrible event. 100% of all Americans that I have spoken to about this have no idea that it is even going on. Tell me your opinion! and read up about it on these links:

BBC: Russia is warned




  1. Maybe because your links don't work?

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