
Why asians in general don't like cheeze?

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i like it, but most of my asian friends don't like it, even many grew up here in the states?




  1. Then, perhaps, I'm not those who are in general...

    I like cheese!

  2. If Asians dont like cheese, why is paneer so popular in India?

  3. Arabs love Bulgarian white cheese.

  4. Cheese is a milk product, and most Asians do not have the ability to digest milk past the age of about 6 or so.  It is genetic.  It is not the taste, but the upset stomach that dissuades people from it.

  5. You have to be careful when you say Asians. You know that Asia is a Continent right? And there are a lot of country in Asia that are not Oriental.

  6. u did not mention what kind of ''cheeze'  it is....everyone, including asians luv cheese..but..u did not say which variety..iam sure you are talking about cheese that really dont match asian culture....or..tastes...

    good luck

  7. about 90-100% of Asians are lactose intolerant.. It is not their fault.  Parts of the world that did not evolve with cows are more likely to be lactose intolerant.

  8. Cheese is nothing but fat and cholesterol.

    I'm Asian American and grew up in America my whole life. Yeah sure I can enjoy a cheese pizza once a while. But that stuff goes straight to your @ss!

    I on purposely don't cook with it because I know my Asian food taste better.

    Cheese is America's favorite sauce. I have a saying, if American food doesn't taste good on it's own they either cheese it or bread it. Ack!

    Sorry, cheese is poor man's food for people who don't know how to cook.

    Now cheese with wine is a different story.

  9. WELL idk....maybe its just ur friends?

  10. I am Asian. I didn't grow up in the state. But I love cheese. When I was younger, mom used to make me grilled cheese sandwich with chocolate sprinkle. Yum! Now, I make one myself.

    Since we are speaking in general terms, I think since most Asian cuisines do not use cheese as a cooking ingredient, most Asians do not develop a taste for it.

    Similar with coconut milk. I know several Caucasians that truly hate coconut milk because they said it tastes weird and this is because they never (yes never) eat coconut-milk-based food when they're younger.

    It is all a matter of preference.

  11. Well, my uncle is azn and he used to hate cheese... until he tried a cheeseburger. So, it depends... just like everyone else o.o Some people hate it, some people dont.

  12. Part cultural and part biological. Cheese and dairy is not part of the diet in most Asian countries (excepting India as far as I know). So, most Asian Americans don't grow up eating cheese. Also, there is a high level of lactose intolerance in Asians. This is a genetic trait where adults have low levels of the enzyme that digests milk sugar. If you have lactose intolerance eating milk products causes a lot of gastric discomfort, bloating and diarreah.

    What I don't know is if dairy is not a part of asian diets because of lactose intolerance, or if it is the other way around.

  13. Cause milk is not a part of asian diet exept Indian and Mongolians.

    Cheese is a fermented product. people who is not famillar with that fermented produce, it is hart to convince him/her to eat that product. Like me, I'm not familliar with kimchi so I don't eat it but I tried it several time. I reallize that Kimchi is delicious.

    Using milk in Chinese cuisine was only introduces by Mongolian during the Mongol dynasty, And they use milk very rare. you can see a picture of "Man Han Quan Xi" or Chinese feast. tart is in small amout. And More chinese has Lactose intolerance. a case that a person has a poor ability to digest food. thats why chinese thought Milk is a dangerouse ingridient. Like Europeans, they don't eat fish sauce but we asians like it.

    sorry for my english grammar. english is not my first lang

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