
Why at this time in the Uk are there all these massive spiders in the house? How can I put them off?

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I have seen several MONSTERS in the last few days - my boyfriend was laughing at one because it was more like a rodent.

I just tried to catch one under a glass and it wouldn't fit - the glass was too small. I had to wake someone up who would take it out in their hands.

We always have a lot a lot of small/medium size around and I can handle them, but at this time of year where do all these huge ones come from. I'm so scared of them. Is there any way to discourage them?




  1. If you want to live and thrive

    let a spider run alive.

  2. mean these guys :(

  3. They are Wolf Spiders. They live under the floorboards. They come out at this time of year because it is their mating season and they are looking for nookie.  

  4. you might think i'm pulling your leg but its true. go and collect some conkers and put them in each corner of your rooms, for some reason spiders don't like them. please try it, it does work i promise

  5. There was a HUGE RUNNING ONE WITH LONG LEGS in my room last night, i ended up waking my mum and we, together, couldn't even catch it. I had to sleep downstairs 'cause i refused to sleep in a room with a spider that big on the loose.

    We never found it..and i'm in bed right now..oh dear.

    I'm not sure what you can do to put them off, but try and make sure there are no holes in your walls or anything in your room, and if there is, cover them up with strong tape, like masking tape or something. Shut your door and all windows. If it gets hot then put on a fan, wouldn't you much rather have all doors shut than a huge spider running around? (:

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