
Why at times are toddlers so calm and at other times they are so hyper?

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Why at times are toddlers so calm and at other times they are so hyper?




  1. Because they are normal human beings, with energy peaks & valleys in their day.

  2. Babies and young children are new to the world and to their bodies.  Things we adults are used to can be overwhelming for little ones.  Toddlers "over-react" to all sorts of situations and sensations that we take for granted because they haven't gotten used to them yet.  Little children get tired fast, too, and from infancy we seek comfort an security <not that we find it for too long!>.

  3. Check the basics first:

    Diet - not just sugar and caffein, either.  Many foods can trigger hyperactivity

    Rest - not having a steady and regular sleep pattern can upset a toddler's very delicate balance

    Environment - this can be as obvious as noise pollution and as hard to pin down as the perfume in your deoderant.  Yes, even that can throw off a child's mood and behaviour.

  4. I will answer that question with a question. Why does your mood change from time to time? Its all about your environment. They may be some stimuli in your environment that are causing this toddler to react in this way. I have a toddler and they are already proned to mood swings by nature, but a good way to counteract some of the hyper moments is turn off the TV or radio and remove some of the stimuli from the room that may be causing these reactions.

  5. It depends on how much sugar they have in them and how much discipline they have. Also, being too tired would play a part in this as well.

  6. My son is really playful...until he gets tired or hungry, then he gets mad and sad and doesn't want to do anything but whine until he takes a nap or eats.

  7. What can I say, toddlers are toddlers.

      It can depend on there saroundings, the more that is going on and the more stimulation around them the worse it can be.

      They also dont deal with changes in ther normal routines.

    Nap time should be at the same time every day, as should meal times, and so on.

      I just wish I could bottle and sell there energy...Id be rich!!!

    Just enjoy there lust for life and good luck.

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