
Why autistic kids are smart ? I dont understand?

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why ? I dont understand ! if their developement is delayed how come in some ways they are advance like my son his only 3 he can read , spell and numbers shapes colors and know numbers in 3 languages ? Im confuse pls help me i dont know how to help him . I feel like he wants to learn more but i dont know how to teach him




  1. Your son is ASD? He needs to be in a Preschool program. Contact your local Special Education Co-op(in the phone book, or you can call the nearest schoo to get thier number) and ask about preschool.

    HeadStart is a very different program, this one is based on the child's needs...not based on parent's income.

  2. when we talk about authistic kids, it doesn't mean that they are totally slow learner or much worst they are dumb persons..

    according to studies, authistic kids have this kind of forte in which they are very good.. Maybe your son had already discovered his own forte at that early age.. I suggest that you just have to support your son..

    my cousin is also an authistic and yet he was very good at school..

  3. A developmental delay may occur in autistic kids but only in certain areas. It is thought that the part of the brain that learns social interaction is affected the most, while the rest of the brain may develop quicker than normal. The part that is delayed may never catch up due to limited social exposure when the autistic is an infant.

    You need not worry about vaccines. Autism is genetic in origin and vaccines have been proven not to cause autism. 2fautism_genome_070216&showbyline=True


    "The discovery was part of the largest genome scan ever attempted in autism research. Called the Autism Genome Project, the initiative involved 137 researchers from 50 institiutions in nine countries, including Canada."

    "Working together, the scientists were able to share samples, data, and expertise to analyze DNA from about 1,600 families worldwide. "

    There is no link between Mercury and autism:


    'No link between mercury and autism' - new study"

    "SEATTLE, USA: Researchers at The Montreal Children's Hospital (MCH)

    of the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) have revealed new evidence dispelling the supposed link between mercury and autism."

    "How many studies does it take to satisfy a crank?"

    "Epidemiologic studies have shown no link. The Institute of Medicine has looked at the evidence for the link between mercury and autism and found it to be specious. Thimerosal has been removed, to no effect. Throughout the Autism Omnibus proceedings we've seen the best case for a link and it's a joke. The measles PCRs linking gut samples from autistic kids to "chronic measles infection" from the MMR jab were false positives. At every single point when this problem has been studied it's been found to be a specious link."

    "No link between mercury and autism: study"

    "The research team examined mercury levels in hair and blood samples

    provided by autistic children and their mothers and concluded that the levels observed did not differ largely from those taken from children without autism."

    "The study also "demonstrated that there was no correlation between

    the mercury level and the severity of symptoms and level of functioning of autistic children."

    "Study backs safety of MMR vaccine"

    "A UK study of more than 5,000 children has ruled out any link between the MMR vaccine and autism, researchers say."

    "FEAR NOT"

    "Vaccinations don't give children autism. They save children from disease."

  4. My son is five and could read and do basic math at three as well.  He also could take apart and re-assemble small household appliances at four.  He had extreme developmental and speech delays.  He has been in therapy for over a year now and has shown extreme improvement.  He is in a small private school with statistically normal children and doing quite well.  Please email me if you need further information.

  5. Well autism is not the same as mental retardation.  He is not stupid.  Just has problems in some areas, but as you pointed out he is well advanced in others.  You should talk to doctors or specialists to learn the best ways to teach him.

  6. Most things are a gift from God.

  7. It's called a developmental delay, but it would be more appropriate to say that they are not globally delayed, but often display uneven rates of development. So while a child may not develop speech at a normal age, they might be able to decode letters and phonics well enough to learn to read. Hyperlexia may not be common, but it has aspects of autism, such as difficulty with relationships, sensory issues, speech, etc. You might find a local group for that.

    Knowing how to help him just comes with experience. You probably know more than you think, because you understand what triggers episodes, and where his knowledge base is lacking. I have two on the spectrum, and we do all their therapy and schooling ourselves, because we *do* understand them better and they *are* more comfortable with us. We consult with speech therapists and a psychologist once a month to help design our program. You might visit

  8. Autism is on a spectrum so there are varying degrees of severity. Most kids with autism are not really interested in socialising and playing with other kids. They would usually rather be by themselves to pursue what interests them. As these interests often turn in to obsessions the child can become very knowledgeable on certain subjects. Autistic children very often because of their impairments prefer subjects like maths or computers because they do not require a good imagination and in maths there are really no variables. You need to encourage your son with his interests and get him on to an early intervention programme.

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