
Why be a Social Worker?

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i want to become a social worker. what are the +ives and -ives? why are people not so keen on me going down this career path? how much a year do they earn?




  1. to help people people don't want you to if your good at listening to there problems already because then you'll have less time for them but don't do it for the money do what you want

  2. Narcissism and a desire to always tell people what to do. (That is only if your a pessimist like me).

    SW is hugely demanding both physically with the work load you will be expected to do but also emotionally.

    It's very likely you will find yourself in situations where you may be asked to recommend whether a family should be broken up or not.  

    Or find that whatever you do your over all impact on a situation can bring about and do little good.  You will have the power and be expected to ruin people's live in the name of rules and regulations.

    I have a good deal of experience of Social workers as I've worked in Childcare since I've been 17 and what I would say is that there needs to to    a complete overhaul in the way Social Services operate from the top down.

    I've met a few decent SW and a good few SW who had attitude problems, could never admit when they make mistakes and such a belief in their own superiority that they were willing to literally destroy lives in the name of the regulations.

    There is an unfortunate mentality at the top of SS that as an orginisation they are infallible and the authority on everything they deal with and until this changes I believe the mistakes will continue to happen.  SW will still be expected to instill fear, young Social Workers will be expected to burn themselves with a riduclous work load and the people they are suppose to be helping will become fearful and disillusioned.

    The only positive I can see it that you will be given the opportunity to help people but if that's what you really want to do I'd strongly recommend that if you do attain a SW degree use it to join a voluntary organisation with less of an agenda.

  3. You'll first have to figure out what your priority in life is. To have lotsa money (and its not a bad one by the way) or to help people out. Unfortunately in social work there are very few financial rewards and the probability is that it will also drain you emotionally. The pro- is that you are clearly on your way to winning a nobel prize or becoming a role model.  

  4. They earn from£18000 to £30000 but the work is hard and can be very unpleasant.

  5. to help people

  6. WHY NOT?

  7. Most Social Workers Have Experience (when they were young they might of had a social worker)

    don't get a job for money get a job that you enjoyed if you are talented  you will get noticed and might get payed more (what ever job).

    hope i helped

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