
Why be a vegetarian?

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In my honest opinion meat is delicious. Im not trying to offend anyone. I just want to know what made you personally become a vegetarian. Im sorry if i did offend by saying that i like meat.




  1. Although not a vegetarian, I like many dishes that are. About 7 yrs ago at work a few of us were going to this indian restaurant after work. I was in a car with a vegetarian from India and one from sri lanka. The inidan guy said the problem with american vegetarianism is that people are not aware of all the great vegetarian foods there are out there. To any vegetarians: may I kindly suggest the following:

    1) Indian: vegetable jalfrazzi

    2) Thai: Pad thai

    3) Greek: Vegtable lathera

    4) Japanese: seaweed salad

    5) American: Boca burger brand veggie Italian sausage

  2. meat IS really good... but when people are vegitarians, its mostly because they feel bad for the animals that are killed and its their way of protesting agianst it.

  3. It's a fad that has become popular. It has some health benefits.

  4. well i have many reasons but my main one was, why have a defenseless animal die so you can eat there are other things besides meat that dont involve death. and alot of animals are born to be killed and that in my opinion is pure cruelty. i thats why

  5. I liked meat before too but I find it rather gross now. I dont know what seems the change. Anyway, I did became vegetarian because I feel very guilty eating the animals and I know becoming veg*n would help the environment. I believe that my diet is cleaner, I mean I eat more veggies now and I eliminated meat altogether and all animal products like honey, milk, eggs etc on my diet. I just feel clean about eating healthy food and so does my body.

  6. Most vegetarians don't have anything against the taste of meat.

    If you really want to know why most vegetarians give up meat, you should watch Earthlings.

    If you were raised to believe that people need meat to be really fit, please take a look at these:

  7. I enjoy the taste of meat as well and I am a vegetarian. I became one to show my boycott to the inhumane animal killings and to live a healthier lifestyle. Yes, I do believe that humans are carnivores and have evolved to eat meat. I do not believe in the inhumane killing of the meat that is fed to people. There are much humane ways to kill an animal. You do not have to abuse them to make more money. It is a very personal choice and after years, I am still living a happier and healthier life.

  8. it helps with your bowel movement!! much more so than meat


  9. My motivation for becoming vegan was to live a healthier life in the future-- studies show that switching to a plant-based diet early in life greatly reduces one's risk of many cancers later in life, and cancer runs rampant in my family so I'm up for anything that will reduce my risk. I must say, even though I LOVE steak, I've never felt better in my entire life.

    I've never pooped more, either... 8~I

  10. would you eat the cat/dog.....that is my answer.

  11. most people beacome vegetarians beacause they think it will result in less animals (cows pigs ect..) being killed i just decided to eat just the amount of meat you need 3 ounces a day

  12. because flesh is disgusting...

    i became one because i couldnt stand the thought of eating the flesh of another creature... bleghhh

    and i think its wrong that animals are treated like nothing.

    its also MUCH healthier. meat clogs your arteries like crazy and it has alot of fat in it.

  13. some people turn vegitarian to be healthyer and lose weight , i turned vegitarian to protect animals lives i love animals. how would u like it if farm animals ate you ? and also its crule how they kill some of their animals not all, but some.

  14. Be cause it's a personal choice, and people like to be different, it's really dumb...

    but to make a pound of vegetables vs. a pound of beef, or any other kind of meat; it's alot more effecent, and DRASTICLY reduces your "carbon footprint"...if you belive in the bologna...

  15. I am an omnivore. And I know meat should only make up a small portion of the diet. High meat diets lead to a truckload of health problems. Eating lots of rice milk, raw veggies,nuts,and fruits. In addition to a little hormone-free meat. Is a healthy diet in my opinion.

  16. The way animals are treated and killed is completely barbaric. I refuse to support the meat industry.

    Watch the documentary "Earthlings" (you can find it on youtube) and you will see what I mean.

  17. Because I don't need meat to survive. Yes it tastes good, but I don't need it and that's the bottom line. I view factory farms as unnatural. Many people argue the 'natural food chain' thing when it comes to vegetarianism. The natural food chain suggests competition in nature. There is nothing natural about harvesting animals.

    I'm not  being angry towards you because I appreciate your honest curiosity, but I am so tired of always having to explain myself to people. Why does the fact that I don't eat meat have to affect everyone around me? It doesn't, but they all get so defensive and start challenging me about it.

    Which makes me ask, does the common person feel guilty about eating meat? Why else would they be so determined to prove us wrong?
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