Ever vote is counted. "I HOPE " even if he dose not win. Everone can see how strong the country thinks about getting back to a goverment that is for the people and by the people.
Voteing for the lesser of the two evils is still a vote for the evil. Are we that afraid? Afraid you'll vote for the a non winner.? Vote for the person that shares your concerns and views no matter what. No matter what media reports. No matter what, Vote like it's the last chance to vote. The farther away from a constatutional goverment we get. The closer we get to not being able to vote, And that is a real reason to be afraid. History repeats it's self, I vote for history to repeat it's self in another country. Not here. Not in America. This may be the last chance to get back on the right path. Vote for Ron Paul with no regreit.