
Why believe in Islam?

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This is a serious question, so no facetious answers, please.

The Jews have the Bible with its history of miracles and direct interaction of God with His people.

The Christians have the New Testament with its records of Jesus, who they believe is God, and what he did and said, including miracles.

What of Islam? However nice the teachings of the Koran are, what counts as evidence that it is the work of God? After all, many faiths have holy scripture, so just scripture itself is not really enough for faith.




  1. Muslims believe that God revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad, God's final prophet, and regard the Qur'an and the Sunnah (words and deeds of Muhammad) as the fundamental sources of Islam.[5] They do not regard Muhammad as the founder of a new religion, but as the restorer of the original monotheistic faith of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets. Islamic tradition holds that Jews and Christians distorted the revelations God gave to these prophets by either altering the text, introducing a false interpretation, or both.[6]

  2. let me see. you question the fact that gabriel flew down to earth with buraq, a white flying mule that mohammad got and he flew off to jerusalem. where allah lowered a golden ladder and mohammad climbed up to heaven and talked to allah. as mohammad was leaving allah told mohammad to have muslims to pray to him 50 times a day but moses. who was in the 6th heaven ran into mohammad and told him that was to many so after many trips of runing up and down the staris between the 6th and 7th heavens mohammad talked allah down to 5 prayers a day. just read, the night journey, in the bukhari hadits and confirmed in the koran to prove  what i have stated. has a another prophet did such a miracle?

  3. well its like saying this why beleive in Christianity and such?

    the Qura'n is like a manual [if you really think about it] God tells us everything in it and many of it is comming true lately.  

  4. because you have been indoctrinated by islam and now you cant think for yourself


  5. If you really did read or even have a small idea about the holy koran then you wouldnt even ask such a question!

    People fight and think against things they dont understand

    i dont blame the way you think , cause the socity and your enviroment around you doesn't help you that much   and that you relate terroism to islam with a very offensive way...islam is one of the most peacful and forgiveing religions in the world ....the basic things in life you teach your own childern is a big part of wat islam talks about being a better person ...and that in the end for every good thing you do in life you'll be granted sthg in your present life ...and in your after life might think am werid or sthg for everything am saying and i belive in but in the end it's not nice to judge sthg you dnt rlly understand.  

  6. Praise be to Allah who established islam and made it easy for those who approach it and gave strength to its columns against any one who tries to overpower it. So Allah made it (a source of) peace for him who clings to it, safety for him who enters it, argument for him who speaks about it, witness for him who fights with its help, light for him who seeks light from it, understanding for him who provides it, sagacity for him who exerts, a sign (of guidance) for him who perceives, sight for him who resolves, lesson for him who seeks advice, salvation for him who testifies, confidence for him who trusts, pleasure for him who entrusts, and shield for him who endures.

    It is the most bright of all paths, the clearest of all passages. It has dignified minarets, bright highways, burning laps, prestigious field of activity, and high objective. It has a collection of race horses. It is approached eagerly. Its riders are honourable. Testimony (of Allah, Prophet etc.) is its way, good deeds are its minarets, death is its extremity, this world is its race-course, the Day of Judgement is its horses and Paradise is its point of approach.

  7. agree with the previous answer.

  8. Unlike previous scripture, the Qur'an is in perfect, unadulterated form.  There are no two versions of the Qur'an as it was preserved from the time it was revealed 1400 years ago even up to this point in time.  This perhaps, is one of its biggest miracles.

    Furthermore the life of Muhammad (sa) testifies to countless miracles.  Keep in mind that a non Muslim may not recognize them as miracles, just as a Jew would not recognize the miracles of Christ.

    Going back to the Qur'an, here is a book that discuss in detail, the structure of an atom, the creation of the universe, black holes, the origin of life on earth, and the list goes on and on.  It is impossible that an unlettered man 1400 years ago, let alone a scholar of scholars even today, could derive such incredible insight into the universe without Divine help.

    The logic and science provided in the Qur'an are more than ample to strengthen the faith of Muslims that this is indeed a true book of God.

    love for all, hatred for none

  9. i am just convert from christian to muslim

    and if you want logical fact

    and theories you just need to read the QURAN to find the truth...

    believe me just read it and open your mind to GOD!

  10. your question is so deep and  that is the difference between shia and sunni faith . shia beileve that  every time from there is one man  who is chosen by God to tell people the real good interpetation of  hadees and Quran . sunni say the God help is end by Prophet Mohammad Peace be upon him . and there none will come from God .

    well there is a conflict to  in sunni jumaat ul dawwah and jumaat al sunaat with green turbine . green turbine people are very near to shia faith . and  they say exactly liike shia say about Imams and Imam Mehadi which is hidden and will come openly before end of times . according to sunni they use a term "mujaddat" according to famous scholor Dr . Israr Ahmed . in every 100 to 75 years a man chosen from God . is their unknown by his powers .

    so both of them beileve that there is some body which is not open to non muslims and working for Muslims and their faith .

    Let me tell you about arabs 1400 years a go they kill people who make  fun of there Gods . Prophet Mohammad Peace be Upon him . at his very early Age telling the  truth  About God to the people near him . why didn't they kill him . because it was the truth .

    if you are a ordinary man with ordinary book  you can't  make people fool with  your script well over 100 years .

    till now  it's 1428 year  from 621 AD may a bit less or more

    taqqaya is term wihch means to hide

       in early 2nd century  after hijra muslim calendar . some poeple form  banu ummaiya start killing shia  people  which was mass murdered by them .

    so they have to hide them  adn they goes under ground .

    I'm from them living today trying to tell the truth  which i know a bit .

  11. Brother! Parting of the Red Sea, the ten Commandments and the wonderful events of Moses (Peace Be Upon Him) relate to the believers.  Muslims believe in them.  Moses (PBUH) preached Islam.  All the Prophets sent by Allah preached Islam.  Adam (PBUH) was the first Prophet and Mohammed (PBUH) is the final prophet of Islam.

    During the time of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), the enemies challenged the prophet to split the full moon into two.  Prophet (PBUH) prayed to Allah and pointed his index finger at the full moon.  The moon split into two pieces.  The people of Makkah saw the two pieces on either side of Jabal Qubais.  Soon the two pieces united.  But, the people of Makkah did not believe.  Several persons in various part of the world witnessed the wonderful event and they later converted to Islam when the companions of the Prophet (PBUH) came to them with dawah.  One such person was Cheraman Perumal, the King of Kodungallur (Kerala, India).  

    There are several extra ordinary events in the life of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).  But, Holy Quran is the foremost wonder revealed by Allah before the mankind.  Allah challenges the enemies to bring out one or two verses like the verses of Holy Quran, but they failed.  Nobody took up the challenge so far.

  12. Like the previous answerer, it applies equally to christianity and Judaism.  I ask you to provide ONE peice of REAL evidence for the existence of your god that does not come from the bible.  The truth is, the bible is not a historical record, it is a religious one.  There are no mentions anywhere else of any of Jesus' miracles... almost no mention of Jesus himself.  Herod's killing of all the children under two which prompted Mary and Jesus' escape to egypt??? never mentioned ANYWHERE else.   Only one of many.

  13. yup why!!


  14. Do muslims EVER wonder why...?

    the Torah written thousands of years before Islam was started, openly declared Isaac to be the 1st born, the Jews as the chosen people, and the eternal covenant between God and the Jews...was suddenly overturned by muhammad's encounter in the Hira cave?

    I mean, I know why muslims believe in muhammad, but do muslims spend time thinking about why would a God who spent thousands of years writing the scriptures through tens of prophets and thousands of witnesses SUDDENLY turn around and appear to a person who neither had the miraclous nor prophetic powers to prove his anointment and claim all previous revelations or records as corrupted.

    That Isaac was not the 1st born, that the Jews are now discarded as the chosen, and the covenant is no longer eternal.

    Seriously. As a muslim, do you spend time thinking of the probability of a God who would turn against His people whom He had taken 40 years to personally lead across the desert to Canaan, manifesting great miracles...only to bring up a man as a final and last prophet yet already disqualified by God’s previous prophets and chose a totally different community to be the chosen.

    So, this God is trying to prove Himself as unreliable, to go even against His own will, unable to keep previous scriptures intact yet surprisingly able to keep the final one intact (according to muslims), but wasted thousands of years only to bring up ONE FINAL prophet?  

    Does anyone here with an IQ of 100 and above seriously believe God to be this dumb or is it only the dumb people who seriously believe God to be as dumb as them?

  15. just read the Quran in English ...

  16. There are many reasons to be a Muslim, check this site for some:

  17. “And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down (i.e. the Qur'an) upon our servant, then produce a Surah like thereof and call upon your witnesses (i.e. supporters) other than Allah, if you should be truthful.

    But if you do not - and you will never be able to - then fear the Fire, whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers.”


  18. I don't.

  19. What are you saying ? Quran is the only book which was sent by parts considering evidences happening that time , so every thing is related to something happened , just read tafseer and sera ( the biography of the prophet (PBUH)).

    Secondly , it's not about stories , just knowing that this thing was told bu Allah is enough to e believed , and then you search for the wisedom , and again if you read the islamic books you certainly find this obviously .

    Thirdly , not all the stories in Quran and Sunnah mention all the details , because Allah just told us what we need to know , and that's one of reasons Quran is the most sophisticated words said in Arabic ,

    so just not all details are necessery for us .

    Thirdly ,  

  20. Perhaps you should study the Quran a bit more because the proof you seek is all in it.

    1) It mentions the stages of infant development while in the womb. No man 500 years ago in the day of the prophet could have known that.

    2) It mentions that the earth is round but also is peaked at one of the poles. who could've possible known that detail back then.

    3) It mentions how the moon uses the sun's light to glow at night.

    there is loads more but I know if I post a long answer nobody will read it .Islam has just as many miracles as other faiths do. It mentions Jesus' (pbuh) virgin birth, Moses (pbuh) splitting the sea, Muhammed (pbuh) splitting the moon, Yunis (pbuh) being swallowed by a whale and then being released unharmed on dry land. The Quran isnt a dictation if you really sit down and read it. It tells us of the past, present, and future. Even though we love respect and believe in the prophet the Quran is not the word of Muhammed (pbuh). It is the word of God and ultimately we worship Allah not the prophet. Muhammed was, although a great one, was just a man preaching the word of Allah (swt)

  21. ey sup. lol

    umm, actually the quran has many miracles. it also shows christianity and Judaism because we believe they were changed over time. in the end they are all the same religion, (if we go back in time). We believe jesus had miracles, moses, and most of the prophets.

    btw u don't have to believe in islam (obviously). this would have been my main argument, if u were bashing. but thankfully ur not.


  22. You've just criticised your own analysis there! You've claimed the Bible and the New Testament are reasons to believe in Christianity and Judaism but said the Qur'an isn't???

    As Muslims we believe that the Bible and the Torah were sent down by God but the words were changed and the Qur'an is the only true accurate record.

    As for why I believe in it - because it answers all my other religion does.

  23. because Islam is the only logical Religion.

    Quran is the only one book that could be traced scientifically to a real Prophet.

    and because God knew that people like us will come later ans say : "oh but we didn't see any miracles, everybody is lying !, i want to see it myself... "  He Gave his last messenger a perpetual Miracle which is the word of God known as the Quran.

  24. Because you don't know any better....simple answer ...simple truth..!

  25. Islam is the only complete religion with the guide from Koran and hadith

  26. The Bible consists of 66 books all written by 40 jewish people over 1600 years.  It is a record of history, what God is like, rules of living, and prophecies of the past, present and future. The books all complement each other and are in total agreement.

    The Bible has never been wrong. It for instance predicted the creation of present day Israel.

    It is the Bible's strength that so many different authors are in agreement with each other. There is no corruption of the message.

    If something was wrong why would God chose an arab over a jew to correct the message.

    The Bible says beware of false prophets. This is Mohammed the arab prophet inspired by the Devil Satan.

    He himself thought it came from the Devil but one of his wives Khadijah and her cousin Waraqah convinced him it was from God.

    Mohammed had epilepsy and people who have epilepsy do think they are under God's influence, when they have an epileptic fit.

    If the Qur'an is God's message, why are believers allowed to lie Taqiyya and Kitman to defeat unbelievers?

    Why does Allah want you to lie and fight unbelievers?

    Surely a real God's word is the truth and nothing but the truth.

  27. that critisism is just as valid for judaism and christianity.

  28. Please check out science in Islam. It proves everything.

    I recommend a book called 'Medical miracles of the Qur'an' by Doc Sharif Kaf Al Ghazal (He's a British doctor, from Syria, and now works as a consultant plastic surgeon. He has the usual doctor degree, then another MA in surgery, Medical ethics and some other stuff. It's a good book.

  29. Your Answer:

    The Islamic Scholars say that Quran is the miracle.

    My personal opinion:

    Believe in any religion that does not take away the right of freedom of speech,reasoning and most importantly the right to leave that religion if it does not fit your spiritual requirements.

    Religions are for Human Beings and not otherwise.

    ASK yourself :

    If God has created a Book (Bible,Quran,OT,NT) that we should strictly adhere to ...why on earth he created us?to follow a book!!

    Wouldn't those Books had sufficed?!!

    Remember : YOU are the miracle of God Almighty.Don't look elsewhere..Be a miracle to your friends,family,society.

    .... Bruce Almighty ;-)

  30. I equally disbelieve all three of those you mentioned.

    By the way, those miracles you mention that allegedly surrounded the Torah and the Bible are mentioned where? In the Torah and the Bible. A book cannot prove itself, buddy, that's all I'm saying.

  31. We know that Paul wrote the Christian bible. And he came a long time after Jesus. So we know that the Bible can't be accurate. But in his lifetime, Muhammad (P.B.U.H)'s companions wrote the Quran on date palm leaves, camel shoulder blades and stones. These were preserved carefully after Muhammad (P.B.U.H)'s companions read them out to Him, and He (P.B.U.H) approved of them. Later on, these were compiled in the form of a Book.  

    During the lifetime of Muhammad (P.B.U.H), His wives and many of His companions memorized the Quran by heart as He taught it to them directly. They later revised it constantly, alone sometimes, and with each other at other times so that they would not forget it. Great rewards have been promised to those who learn it by heart. Uptil now,(and till the Judgement Day), many Muslims memorize the Quran by heart and revise it with each other. Thus, if anyone tries to adulterate it, the attempt can't possibly succeed. It will be known at once!

    Allah provides us the criteria (in the Quran) for judging the authenticity of a Book. He says:" If u ponder over the Quran, (u will notice) if it had been from anyone other than Allah (the One God), u would have seen in it many self- contradictions."

    But as no such contradictions can be found in the Quran. And as for the other Holy books...

    Now, if u were to pick up any random quran from anywhere over the world. from all different types of people. It will be EXACTLY the same. The oldest copies are exactly the same as those recently printed. The shia'as and the sunnis have the same Quran.

    There are many people who claim that a part of the Quran which Muhammad (P.B.U.H) had given to His wife Ayesha (R.A) for safe keeping was lost due to her neglect. But  this claim carries no weight. Muhammad (P.B.U.H) had memorized each and every ayah of the Quran by heart. And He (P.B.U.H) even revised it all with the Angel Gabriel each year. And in His last year, He (P.B.U.H) revised it with Gabriel twice. If a part of it had gone lost, He (P.B.U.H) could have easily sorted it out!
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