
Why big companies give free merchandise to the costumer ?

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Why big companies give free merchandise (that are not related to their business) to the costumer?

for example.. a car manufacturer give various merchandise such as mug,t-shirt, flash disk, watch, mousepad, jacket.

and some of the merchandise are not cheap.. the companies spend lot of money only to make those merchandise.

is it to increase the brand awareness?




  1. this is some sales game say promoting. following purpose

    1. make their name and brand wellknown. most of the merchandise pinted their logo

    2. company appearance, whatever in donation or commonweal invest.

  2. It's for both awareness and loyalty.

    If they give you something that you can actually use, you're more likely to take it home and keep it, thus you are always looking at their branding.

    For some things, they give you stuff as a perk so you feel special and think the company is being nice to you, usually so you feel better about spending more for whatever they sold you.

  3. that is call Branding.

    they want their name to be known to everybody.

  4. Yes, I think it would create awareness... but also brand loyalty.

    Maybe you won't buy a super new car right then. But, you could relay your positive experience to others. Your statements could be the tie breaker they needed for a purchase of their own. It may start off as buying a used car, but then that person might want upgrades (that you can only get at a dealership perhaps). Maybe even YEARS down the line you or someone you know comes across some serious cash or paycheck and you decide to get that brand or make. Cars are already overpriced, so the companies can afford to give away items that you or me could consider pricey. Also, consider that the makers of the more expensive items (coffee makers, toasters, stereos, etc.) could have a deal amongst themselves. So, not only are you more trusting of that car make, not you might extend your loyalty to the makers of the "free" appliance. The "free" gift will eventually pay for itself when you buy a matching item or a similar item as a gift for someone else, or even a replacement. Shady stuff!!!

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