
Why blame Democrats for Offshore Oil Ban?

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Since 1982, oil exploration has been banned offshore of the United States. At the time, the Republican Congress enacted an environmental moratorium against offshore drilling for oil and gas. In 1990, the year after the Exxon Valdez oil tanker disaster, US President George H.W. Bush signed an executive order creating a second, presidential moratorium.

Also, Bush’s brother Jeb was an outspoken opponent of offshore drilling when he was governor of Florida.

Is that the typical GOP line? Blame the democrats for everything? Even things THEY themselves enacted?




  1. why blame bush for gas prices, gas was like a dollar something when he took office, democrats took congress in 06 so blame them,

  2. Because the Dems are against anything that alleviates the oil problem

  3. And nobody's in a hurry to do anything but lease that stuff anyway.  There are plenty of proven reserves that can be drilled presently.

    Meanwhile, Dirk Kempthorne, Secretary of the Interior, has approved drilling in many environmentally sensitive areas, but Friday this partisan hack who works directly for the President initiated a 2 year ban on solar power facilities in the Western deserts, effectively shutting down 70 billion watts of solar development that would have powered 20 million homes without creating a particle of CO2.

  4. You are pointing out something that "patriotic" Americans should just pretend isn't true.

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