
Why bother voting, the delegates already decided?

by Guest62316  |  earlier

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Why bother voting, the delegates already decided?




  1. Because you have a vote.

  2. Why do you care so much how others choose to vote?  It is their vote to cast as they see fit.


  3. Never know what impact popular vote may have. It will at least help push the dems to reconsider their way of doing things if the popular vote and delegates are too different.

  4. believe it or not, your vote does count.

    if your representatives go against the popular vote, they won't be around the next time their re-up comes again.  So if you don't vote you lose your voice in politics.

  5. I think Billary is still trying to show the Dems that she/they are the better choice for the election if they want to win the more conservative states.  Plus, neither of the Dem candidates have enough delegates to win the nomination outright.  They want to show who's the better candidate by showing who the "people" prefer.

  6. Because the liberals think they know best for the common person and if you disagree they can vote in the one they want in......

  7. Somebody had to vote for the deligates. See, that's how the representative system works. I suppose your government school doesn't teach civics any more.

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