
Why boys fall down when are kicked in balls?

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One guy touch my breast so I knee his balls!he had feel realy bad 2 hours!




  1. WOW....did u give a warning ....boys fall because that is the most physical painful thing a boy/man/male can ever endure..

  2. Aaaah Baybee, that's a man' s vulerable spot and will bring any man strong, skinny, muscular, weak down to the ground.  Superman's weakness was not only Kryptonite.

  3. cuz it hurt reaaaaallllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy... bad

    but he touched ur boob so it ok self defence

  4. Because it hurts them! Duhh! Have you never heard of that?

  5. Because when you feel the pain you're paralyzed!

  6. Boys fall down because once kicked in the nuts..the mind goes blank..noithing else can't think or anything the only natural response is to fall.


  7. That was a good response for touching your breast if you didn't want him to and I doubt he'll touch another girl that way any time soon. lol. You must have got him good if he hurt for 2 hours.

  8. ah because it really hurt you dumb assssssssss$

  9. Because it hurts like h**l its like giving labor only a shorter time period.

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