
Why brunettes wanna dye their hair blonde?is that because they feel they're more attractive or what?

by  |  earlier

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man they should just stop..i think they're better that way




  1. Because a lot of people like change when it comes to their appearance...just as some blondes go dark or red, some brunettes go blonde or red and some reds go brunette or blonde...

    ...or some other color, or variations of more than one.

    What is your obsession with this topic today? This is the 3rd question I've seen you post on the issue in the past half hour or so, and I may have missed others. Let it go man...

  2. Yea,

    but they probably don't.

    Sometimes it helps and raises their self esteem.

    If they feel better then it's ok, in my opinion.

  3. i agree, i have so dark brown hair most people tell me it's black even tough it's not, and i would never, ever, dye it blonde!!! a bit brighter shade of brown, like chocolate brown, maybe, but never blonde!!!

  4. not all dye there hair blonde... i don't!

    sometimes they feel more attractive and sometimes they just want a change but either way its not really a problem

  5. You have Hugh Hefner and "Playboy" to thank for that; they think they look more attractive because they are conforming to the "Playboy" standard of beauty.

    Far from the truth, with the wrong skin tone fake bleach blonde looks absolutely scary.

    I have had my hair about every color in the rainbow over the years and do have to tell you that guys will notice you quicker and more likely to approach you if you have fake blonde hair, but took me a long time to learn the reason was not because I looked more attractive as a blonde, it is because I was perceived as being more "easy" because I buying into the "Playboy" myth of beauty.

  6. I agree, I'm all for Team Brunette

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