
Why bully the special needs? Explain.?

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At certain schools, students with special needs and / or mental disabilities (downs syndrome, mental retardation, autism, etc.) can be essentially picked on by other students (whoever in the school is immature). Why can't students get along? Why have the intention to bully the special needs with no sympathy?




  1. i have always had a compassion for those people.  i grew up in the "in crowd" and my friends would constantly pick on these people and i would tell them to stop or say "wtf man".  these disorders we know so little about and its so mean to taunt these people.  mankind is so cruel.  it takes a really sorry, S****y person to do something like that.

  2. this is because hanging around them also makes yourself look bad so if ur not gonna hang around them why not bully? just cause you can~ ... a lot of people just laugh at them and i see this at my school and now they even call these ppl speds meaning SPecial EDucation. This makes them look 'big' whilst actually they are disgracing themselves. ur going to have to get used to this stuff it happens everywhere. i know how u feel but yeah...

  3. People fear what they don't understand. This fear can sometimes come through as bullying.

  4. Because students with special needs don't know how to defend themselves. Although the schools are getting more tougher on this.

  5. Short answer...People who bully others do so to elevate themselves, to feel better about themselves, more superior.  Many times bullies come from families where they are either bullied or not valued.   Special needs students are just easier targets for bullies to get their payoff.

    The immature ones probably really don't fully understand the nature of their "friend's" disability, or how much hurt they can inflict.  My own son, who will be 11 still has a hard time accepting his sisters autism. She's 9.  He can't wrap his brain around the idea that it's not going to go away, and constantly questions her behaviors, speech patterns, etc. He's asked me "She's not going to be like this when she's 30 right?" and I have to answer that I honestly don't know.  FWIW, he's also one of her best friends.

  6. Because they lack empathy, understanding and knowledge of the disabled persons condition, sadly people (including adults) fear the unknown, so they either exclude, victimize and bully those less able to defend themselves. Some sick twisted individuals seems to think if funny.

    I recently did an assignment on bullying, sadly 1 in 6 children and adults are victims of bullying, this shocked and saddened me, especially since bullying occurs at the same rate in the workplace. This is what I found, bullying occurs due the victim’s appearance, physical ability or lack of, academic ability (good or bad), cultural beliefs, race and socio-economic situation (rich or poor), sexual preferences, behaviour or odd behaviours, or simply being the new person.

    I think the reason school children bully, is because they see adults verbally abusing and intimidating others, so they do it too. You only have to walk down the street and watch how parents and adults talk to each other, then look at the children watching. (Food for thought ah!)

    How do we prevent this, is through education, teaching people to be more tolerant of the disabled, culturally diverse, race etc and how to accept people for who they are, not what "we" want them to be.

    I work with people with disabilities of varying degrees, some profound and others only mildly affected, I try to educate people about a persons disability, and if people continue to be rude, then I rip into them, leaving them look like a idiot and ashamed of their behaviour.

    In 15 years I have only had to growl at two people, for being exceedingly rude, one actually came back and apologized to my client and to me, and my client, accepted their apology and shook their hand for being nice enough to come back and apologize, this further showed the person that just because a person in a wheel chair and looks different, they can communicate and think for themselves.

  7. people do this because they are easy targets,some people don't like them because they are different.

    I think alot do it in schools to 'show of' to there mates.

    If i ever see anyone picking on someone with a disability i would knock them of there feet.

  8. It could be because of a few different reasons. Maybe they have problems at home and they feel those kids are the easiest to pick on. It could also be that they do not know how to react to somebody that is different so they simply decide to bully them. Or maybe it is just that they feel they will be apart of the cool crowd if they pick on people, especially the special needs. It is stupid though because if you get to know them then some of the special needs kids are really cool.

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