
Why can,t a poor become more attractive to his society by using his skills or talents ?

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Why can,t a poor become more attractive to his society by using his skills or talents ?




  1. it's easier to let the government pay his way.

  2. WHY CAN'T??? because the society doesn't let him...

    but in many cases people have raised from those levels and contributed significantly to society....

    it depends on the individual and the society..

  3. if they have skils and talents why they will be poor

  4. Perhaps you are not aware of the reality.!

    A poor has more to be concerned about than being "Attractive". There is nothing more shameful in our human society than poverty. Every human has formula for excellence, but it's our system that prevents those from practicing it. It's a human nature to discriminate against weak and poor. Take a look at Slavery & Color-bar.

    So, in short, no poor is fool. He knows that he has to work hard to make his living. But he also knows that rich and strong people above him will go to the limits to keep him poor. Therefor your question : "Why they don't become attractive by using their talent" is absolutely out of question.

  5. skills and talents are the thing that builds society. its which one you have that is ground into you and your personality combined with any other skills and talents.

    money is not the main building block for society but it is a decoration and needless to say people generaly like decorations. when it comes to skills and talents they arent what people are looking for and is saught for in a job so they are usually hidden from the other eyes

  6. why not.There are numerous examples of many poor people who made us rich, they include poets, artists, thinkers, saints, industrialists, doctors practically in every field.

  7. I would assume that you are not a person from the “poor” class. Therefore, you were brought up differently from those people… different values and different ways of looking at things.

    You might feel that you can use your skills and talents (such as playing an instrument, etc) to contribute to society, but the poor may not HAVE that skill. Talent has to be developed (1% inspiration and 99% perspiration). If the family is poor, then most likely it will not be able to support extra activities.

    Also, the educated/richer class tends to be more socially and culturally aware. Parents have the time to talk to their children about the “world”, whereas poorer parents might only have the time to put food on the table.

    Some people say that poverty is a “culture”. If a person was raised in that “culture”, then it is not normal for them to break out to try something new. Also, maybe being attractive to the society isn’t at the top of a poor person’s to-do list. Maybe all that person wants to do is to make enough money to survive.

  8. Your question is actually about the effects of poverty over the

    society.Poverty affects an individual as well as the society.The answer for your direct question will give only the pictures due to poverty.How to eliminate poverty from the society is to be  our question and thoughts. Even In our prayers too, we have to pray for the same. We are in such a position to make good sons of the soil through bad fathers.

  9. YOU need the sight to see that person as attractive. Every one has something good and attractive in them. It just depends on who is seeing it!

  10. I don’t agree with your statement, To become popular or attractive its not a necessity that u have been born in a rich family. Any human being who is hard working & full of Enthusisam & dedication can reach any heights of world. It seems to be impossible for those who are not ready to achieve their dreams. No body is known by his face or his physique, he is known by the achievements. Here I wud like to introduce MS Dhoni, currently heading Indian Cricket team... He is not a borned Star, nor the son of any Industrialist or Rich person. Wat he is now, he is because of his hard work & dedication.

    Once he started his career as a Ticket checker in Railways, but he was aware this is not his destination/Dream. He worked really hard to become someone special & make his parents proud. Today by God’s grace he is having everything with him. He is among the highest paid cricketers in this world.

    So finally success doesn’t evaluate you on the basis of Richness.....

  11. Richness is not all ways the means to all end .

    Skill and talent are all ways will be the means and end for attraction in all ages in society .

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