
Why can't 1/5th of Americans find the United States on a map?

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Why can't 1/5th of Americans find the United States on a map?




  1. Because the education in the United States sucks. Also most people are lazy bums.

    These are the people who could not find the floor if they fell down.

  2. Because WE are dumb, fat, and lazy!

  3. Why are so many non-Americans so hostile to Americans?

    Americans cannot find any other country on a map because they have no interest in ever going there because they believe conditions where they live are better than they would be elsewhere. You have to be unhappy with where you live to be interested in anywhere else. So by that logic, and if what you are saying is true, then 1/5 of Americans are perfectly happy living exactly where they are and are not even interested in any other place in the United States let alone any other country. That sounds like a very contented country.

  4. If you're using a road map, you won't find America there. The 4/5 are liars.

  5. What is one-fifth of any American?  The left leg?

    Could it be that Americans are asleep at this hour?

    Could it be that most all Americans arent even in the or citizens of the United States... as "America" includes Canada, Mexico, Argentina, etc.

    Could it be that many Americans are blind, or not even in third grade yet.

    Could it be that the entire world is becoming Americanized anyway... so whats the point?  Earth = America.  Its not like anything else outside of the USA matters to anyone anyway.

  6. I think the guy saying that America is just that much better so there is no reason or necessity for Americans to be able to locate it, is quite wrong.  Sorry.

    I'd have to posit probably the simplest answer.  Americans aren't that smart.  I mean, our education system is borderline pathetic.  And being happy with the way America is shouldn't ease the need for us to be semi-intelligent.  We're a pretty big country . . . and if they know the continents, they should at least be able to guess it well enough.  (Though I'm sure they have trouble with the continents too.)

    Americans (me being one of them) are arrogant.  I understand why other countries tend to say this a lot . . . and being content with a country leads to it's stagnation.  We should be focusing on the bad things, so that we can progress towards improvement.  Instead of talking about how happy we all are and using that as a wonderful excuse for our ignorance.

    My two cents.

  7. because they're blind, or they're asleep, or the lights are off.

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