
Why can't Biden go after Palin during the VP debate?

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If women are stating that they want full and equal rights, doesn't that include getting your butt kicked in a debate? The news pundits are saying that Biden has to be careful about talking down to Palin or seeming to belittle her accomplishments? Whats up with that? If you step into the ring with the big dogs, you'd better be ready to get bitten. Forget all this namby pamby whining. I'm ready to see a knock down drag out battle between the VP wannabe's and the Presidential nominees.




  1. Because what is Biden going to attack her on?  Being a mom with 5 kids, one of which has down syndrome?  Is he going to attack the fact that her 17 yr old daughter is pregnant, stooping low to go after family?  Will he attack her squeaky clean record?  If anyone is going to get knocked down it'll be Biden on this one.  Biden, a man who said this about his presidential hopeful before he was selected as possible VP:

    "I mean, you've got the first sort of mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a story-book, man,"-Biden

  2. They are saying those things not because she is a woman, but because if he calls her accomplishments pointless then Obama will look bad as well. Also beacuse she was mayor of a small town, and he must be careful not to criticize that because that will make the Obama campain seem elitist, which they already do to many people.  Im ready to see those 2 debate. Its going to be pretty amazing. They both seem very strong.  

  3. If he comes down on her, the on the fence woman will see that as an attack on a woman, not a VP candidate. It may sway their opinion to Mccain/Palin.  Just an idea...

  4. I have a feeling Palin won't be around for the debates.

    Have a go at my question, okay?;...

  5. Palin Stupid all he has to do is stand there and let were dig a hole for her self

  6. He can debate her as hard as he wants.  What your candidate said was to not try to use personal/family foibles as some kind of weapon.  Stick to the issues and have at it.

  7. He should be able to highlight her lack of knowledge about foreign polices, but if he goes too tough on her then he'll be accused of being a bully to the little woman. Double standard still applies. I've read articles where people from Alaska were interviewed and they said she is good at winning people over on personality alone so that the issues never really get discussed when she goes one-on-one with an opponent. Kind of scary when you think that could get us a VP and possible president who admits she doesn't follow what is going on in Iraq.

  8. That's what they said about Barrack. The media is too light on him because he's black, he's playing the race card blah blah blah. I say Biden should rip her to shreds.  

  9. You're right.

    Don't insult me because I am a woman. If I want the job, I'm taking on all genders in a debate!

  10. Biden won't have to get tough with her.  He can be half asleep and destroy her in the debates

  11. Ok, so if we buy the "news pundits" premise we would conclude that the way to win a debate is to "talk down" or "belittle" the opponent debater. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  12. There is no reason why Biden can’t “go after” Palin on her experience or lack thereof, the positions she and McCain are taking on issues, her views on just about anything, including abortion and anything else related to her qualifications.  What he is being warned about, probably unnecessarily, is talking down to her, which shows disrespect, and belittling her, which also shows disrespect.  If he “picks” on her, she will become a victim and he will become a bully.

    Bearing in mind that Biden will be a participant in the debates and not a moderator, his ability to really “go after” her will be determined largely by the questions the moderators ask.  Given the bias of the media, I think McCain and Palin should refuse to debate on CBS, NBC, and MSNBC – just as Obama has reneged on a public promise he made in New Hampshire to appear on FOX’s O’Reilly Factor.  It is ridiculous for the Obama campaign to refuse to appear on FOX because Obama is afraid of Bill O’Reilly and then suggest a more “neutral” venue such as NBC.

    It’s time for Republicans to draw out Obama.  In his Thursday night acceptance speech, Obama said he knows exactly how much his proposed programs will cost, “Every dime of it.”  Okay, tell us how much they will cost, Senator.  And while you’re at it, tell us where the money is going to come from.

  13. Was there any doubt?  I believe that Biden will go after Palin...he always attacks in the debates he takes part in.  That's just how he is.  So...what's your point?  There aren't any women that want Palin to have it easy...if that was the case, how could she prove she is ready for office?  

  14.   No, because he's a sorry-assed plagiarist who was forced to quit the 1988 presidential race in disgrace because he was caught red-handed. And, oh, yeah, he's on record having made racist statements towards blacks and indians. Biden will be exposed for this.

      Maybe Biden can distract us with his bad hair transplant though....his only hope.

  15. they just brought this question up on a local talk show, and they pointed out that Biden has debated Hillary about 20 times know.  He knows the line he has to walk and I'm sure he's prepping for that right now.

    He should be able to be tough on her, after all Kim Jong Il won't take it easy on her just cause she's a girl if she becomes VP and visits NK to talk about nukes.  

  16. no reason why he shouldn't debate with the mightiest of his debating skills.

    however, this silliness is put out as a cover for him for when he does himself a disservice (as he is well known for doing) or when Sarah likely chews him up and spits him out.

    he (and fundie far-left dems) can claim he went 'easy' on her.


  17. Same reason we did not get a fair shot a hillary......liberals want equal rights yet do not want equal fight.

  18. It's not that she can't handle it or being equal or anything like that. The Democrats are afraid that some women would find it offensive and then vote republican. Today some people find just about anything offensive so politicians need to be careful of what they say, because every word is scrutinized.

  19. The only reason he has to be careful is because Democrats have a history of using personal attacks as a crutch.  There is no room for personal attacks in a debate.  Keep it professional and keep to the issues and there won't be a problem.

  20. Biden has to be careful with EVERYTHING he says, in EVERY situation.  The man has a history of not thinking about what he's saying, and it's going to bite him ( and Obama ) in the *** more than once before this election is over.

  21. He can and he will. GoBama '08

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