
Why can't Christians and Atheist jest get along ?

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I'm getting sick and tired of it all. How about you ?




  1. I get along with heaps of Christians, as long as we don't start debating about religion though. Depends how fully christian they are, too (I swear quite a bit)

  2. that's just like asking why one country can't get along with another. I just doesn't happen.

  3. Not meant to be. and that is a fact.

    if you had your choice of darkness and light which would you choose? I would choose light. God is light. Sinners who have never accepted Christ is darkness. they are in darkness. will dark ever merge with light? think about it. they were never meant to get along.

    what has darkness to have anything to do with light?

  4. Because they believe differently...However, some can get along.

  5. ahhaa wellla when chirsttian stops inclunding me in theirs religionos without my permissionO!!! i will be a litle nicer!

  6. They absolutely CAN get along. The reason people don't get along is their stubborn pride or egos, NOT their basis for Christianity or Atheism.

  7. Everyone deserves to be treated nicely.

    We could all be wrong. Face it.

    There are no certainties.

    Plus, you get what you give.

    If you are rude, then people will be rude to you.

    But, that starts a circle of rudeness.

    Why don't we just agree to disagree?

  8. It will never happen. Only if Atheists were to become Christians. But the day will come when God will separate the sheep from the goats.

  9. We make fun of each other all the time; what are you talking about?

  10. We jest amongst ourselves.  Yes, we do.

  11. Same reasons the Commies and the n***s couldn't get along even though they were basically following the same ideology.

  12. "Atheist" in plural form really isn't all that difficult to spell!

    You just add an extra "s" in the end. See..?

    I get along with quite a few Christians on this site, and even more of them in real life. My friends and family are mostly Christian, for instance.. However, the majority of us R&Sers come her to debate and have an argument! That's why this place is the way it is. There wouldn't be any fun if we just decided to agree on disagreeing.

  13. The only way atheists on R&S will get along with christians:

    Christian would have to stop being christians.

    Christian just want to ask and answer christian questions without the mockings,LOL,blasphemy,name calling and reportings.(atheist don't seem to understand that christianity belongs in R&S.

    yes everyone should ask and answer questions in a mature manner.  

  14. I get along with many atheists.  The only thing that bothers me is the ignorance of mocking someone's beliefs.   I have atheist friends so I can say we can get along but atheists haven't shown me their manners in my case.  They mock my religion and say it's "Mumbo Jumbo".  That's not very nice and it's rude.   To me:  Hey!  Atheist can be good people but in my experience anyone who uses the title "atheist" isn't what atheist used to mean.  Atheist used to mean non-believer but it's turned into ignorant people who mock religious beliefs because they hate religion.  

    I'll say someone who just "doesn't believe" I can get along with better though because I've noticed the difference between a sceptic and an atheists through the way they treat other people and their beliefs.

  15. If your not a christian then you are going to h**l duh? We will convert you even if we must make examples. oh like the holocaust :D

    Christians are conceited and will never accept athiest who on the other hand could careless bout your faith. seems to me the athiest are more like your Christ than the Christians >.>

  16. Why did you pluralize christians but not atheists?

  17. I get along jest fine with most Christians. It's the ones that are angry at me for not being Christian that I have a problem with.

    I'm like Malcolm X. I'll get along with anyone who'll get along with me, and I won't get along with anyone who won't get along with me.

  18. I couldn't understand that either, i just wish we can all get along. Christians are fine as long as they don't try to force their religion on me.

  19. no. i get along with a lot of atheist people.

    they dont bother me. as long as we are respectful

    with each other then we'd get along just fine.

  20. If you can't take it, YA has a lot of other sections. Try the one for cats.

    In a land where many theists demand the right to overturn their constitutional limits to religion mixing with politics, to suggest that atheists in any way are responsible for the debate that follows THEIR ACTIONS is, well, stupid.  

  21. I get along with many Christians. Just as along as we don't talk about religion.

  22. because christians are trying to suggest that god created the world through evolution. god evolved woman out of mans ribs... bloody christians!!

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