
Why can't Cingular Wireless ever give me an accurate count of how many text messages I've used? I'm using IM.

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I am addicted to Yahoo IM so I bought a Cingular Wireless phone. I'm sending and receiving so many text messages over the Yahoo IM feature I can't keep up. Whenever I call 611 they tell me it's just an estimate and then they pull a number out off their as[s]. First it was 17 and then it went to 75 in the same call. Then today it went down to 45 and when I told him to manually count them he counted over 200! He tried to squirm out of it by saying it was just an Why should I pay for going over my 200 limit when they can't give me a ballpark figure of how many text messages I've used?




  1. First mistake - using your Yahoo messenger to do text messages over your phone.

    Cingular has a website where you can look into your account to find out how much time/IM's you have used. This is updated periodically.  They can not update the moment you add a text, it is your responsibility to keep count.

    Go into your phone, and you should find an option that is a text message counter.  Try to use that to help you keep tabs.

    Why should you pay for going over your 200 limit?  Because it is your responsibility to keep count of how many minutes and messages you've used and determine when to stop to prevent overage - Not them. You control the send button, not them.  

    They're not your parent or your babysitter. Grow up and take responsibility for your actions.

    If you're in doubt?  STOP using the messaging and WAIT (longer than your apparent patience level of 2 seconds).

    Their site says: The summary may not include usage within the last 48 hours.

    If all else - Create a counter system to mark off your 200 texts allowed.

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