
Why can't Democrats get it through their heads that the whole neocon / n**i lie is laughable?

by Guest58953  |  earlier

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And no one with an IQ above room temperature actually buys it. Does anyone else find it sad that they are so bereft of actual ideas that they have to try to use this obvious lie to get any ground at all?




  1. Could the fact that the current head of the party is the grandson of a n**i supporter. Or that the same elements of society that supported the n***s in germany are supporting the neocons in america.

  2. From what I can tell our government has been controlled by "neocons" since WWI and probably before. If you follow the 'PNAC' definition of what a neo-con is and not what crazy people call it.

  3. I find it harder to believe that they are so unimaginative, that they have to use the charges put against their past candidates on Republicans since they have nothing of substance.

    Kerry was a clear flip-flopper, and Obama flips more then McCain, but they try to call him a flip-flopper.

    Bill Lied in court, and they try to take any statement said by Bush and turn it into a lie.

  4. The Democratic Party is a shell of what it used to be. Dont be fooled by its name alone.  Over the last 30 years it has been slowly eaten away from the inside out by the far left loons that now hold the strings.  They use threats and words like bullets to silence and twist the truth to their benefit.  You know the routine by now. If you are against anything that they are for then you are bullied with words like racist, bigot homphobe sexist etc etc.  They for the most part are little cowards that hide behind words as if it was their mommies skirt.

  5. Who said n**i? Neo-con refers to the combination of power politics to enforce Western democracy. How can anybody doubt thats what the Bush Administration has done?

  6. they live by the lie and for the lie..its all they have ever had and all they will ever have..they just dont know how to do anything else

  7. Skull full of mush block truth.

  8. When I hear someone call anyone a neocon it tells ms the person using the word is ignorant beyond hope. The fact that such people are allowed to vote is a bad sign for the future of America so I've prepared a place in the mountains to ride out the crash that such people will cause. During the coming crash, most of those who scream about neocons will starve while waiting for the government to save them, leaving the rest of us who have enough sense and ambition to feed ourselves to rebuild.

  9. You get no sympathy from me. Reps invented "name-calling". Obama is called a communist, and a muslim. BOTH claims are absurd and unfounded yet you all still make them. I bet if i go through YOUR Q&A's you've called Dems a lot worse than what you're complaining about here. I bet you've also told a hundred lies about Obama.

    Phil p - Who are you quoting!? Certainly not me! Why is my name even associated with your response!? Typical Republican. Just pull a quote out of thin air. And i'm not sure who you're talking to but it's funny that i kind get anyone voting for McCain to give a good reason.

  10. You  just don't get it.

  11. it doesn't matter. you'll find no one, no one that is hard core democrat that finds anything wrong with their party. and your right. but one thing you need to get settled. ninety percent of those that support the dem party only has a room temp IQ. take this obama. ask a friend or someone that intends to vote for obama and ask them to give you an itelligent response as to why. they can't. jimmy carter is perhaps the worst president ever and i still remember to this day the elite media and democrats everywhere doing their best to justify his incompetence. make no mistake, liberals are bereft of any charactor, integrity, scruples and brains.

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