
Why can't Hillary just take it like a man and admit defeat?

by  |  earlier

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And they portray men as indecisive on TV Sitcoms.




  1. Who cares

  2. She's not indecisive, she's very decisive about making a fool of herself, and fragmenting her political party.

  3. because she's stronger then a man perhaps.  she doesn't give up, like gore did.  why are people so quick to count her out. she obviously feels very passionate about her cause.  isn't that what we need in the white house, after these past eight years a monkey could do better.

    by the way i voted for obama but i feel everyone deserves their due.

  4. The truth:

    Campains cost money and she wants to make a deal with Obamma to support him in exchange of Obama party paying up part of the campain costs of Hillary.

    So its not indecision but plain old business.

  5. Because she's out to prove the old adage that (us) women are extremely stubborn.  LOL!!

  6. Because she isn't a man.

  7. Obviously you haven't seen the Y! front page. It's over.

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