
Why can't I access My Yahoo, all I'm getting is a blank page,?

by  |  earlier

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Why can't I access My Yahoo, all I'm getting is a blank page,?




  1. As the line in HAIR goes "Don't ask me why.....

    Don't know!"  What I can offer is to share the advice I found that worked for me on Saturday, when I finally logged on and encountered the same problem.  This may sound rather too simple, but the tip I stumbled upon Saturday for the same problem worked like a charm. Shut down your computer (all the way, not a 'restart'), wait a couple of minutes [to let your drive come to a total stop, I suppose] and then power back up. There is no harm in trying, and I did receive a thumbs-up 'best answer' vote from another inquirer that I passed this on to. I hope this works for you, too. Blessings.....

  2. i have the same problem, i was just about to ask

  3. I don't think its ad ware or even a virus.  I  believe its yahoo having issues.  Otherwise we probably wouldn't be able to get here if it was.

  4. becoz u have errors in ur pc.delete all ur cookies and download yahoo of luck.

  5. Lol , Cookies are a save resolution say you go to you tell it to save your username / password so u dont hafta keep typing it in everytime , thats a cookie , your problem is adware or viruses preventing you from going to the site try these applications : Search Bot Search & Destory , Adware Personal Edition by Lavasoft ,

    DO NOT DELETE COOKIES unless you like typing stuff in over & over again lol,  

    Also Virus wise id use Bit Defender or House Scanner to look for viruses ..... Hope this helps

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