
Why can't I access my YahooSports fantasy team after changing preferred email address on fantasy team profile?

by  |  earlier

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I have a YahooSports fantasy baseball team. It "points" to email #1 initially. I changed the "preferred email address" to email #2 in the MyTeam Profile, but I still cannot access the fantasy baseball website thru this email #2. I can still access the website thru email #1, so it is as if the email change on my team profile is ignored. How do I get access to my YahooSports fantasy team website thru my email #2 ?




  1. Preferred e-mail is a team/league setup item. You can change the e-mail for any and all teams that you have one by one.

    You access your league, and therefore your team, through your Yahoo ID that you established when you signed up. The e-mail does not have anything to do with accessing your league.

    Perhaps I am not correctly understanding your question. I hope that this helps.

    Good luck. Have fun.

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