
Why can't I access my mail? It keeps saying this page is unavailable.?

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Why can't I access my mail? It keeps saying this page is unavailable.?




  1. This has been a full day of major snaffu's within the Yahoo Mail domain--- this site has literally "lit up" over the last five to six hour with posts into the hundreds over this thing !!

    Rumor (Yahoo still hasn't made an official statement as far as I know) is that it is a server problem and possibly having to do with the " time change differential " in some way !!

    There have been a number of posts from people who say that Yahoo is coming back slowly and that THEIR service has returned in the last little while

    Odd thing is--- I have not lost service at all ---all day--- and my mail is operating like a sewing machine as we speak !!

    Have patience and hopefully you'll be back up and running in no time here !!!

  2. My email has been down most of the day and it's now almost 7 p.m. eastern standard time.  I've had intermittent access problems in the past but they are usually fixed within 10 minutes at most  - THIS is an all time record and I know a few others going through the same thing.

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