
Why can't I burp?

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It's not a practice thing. I really cannot burp no matter how much air I swallow. I only make gurgling noises that I cant control. I told my doctor and my family and they really think that I'm making this up. I'm eighteen years old! Why would I lie about something as rediculous as this? Does anybody have a medical answer for this?




  1. Maybe you are in zero gravity. In zero gravity you can't burp as any spaceman or woman will tell you.

  2. Not sure if this will help, But as a 48 year old, I have been inflicted with this inability as well for 40 some years.  Oh, occasionally I will burp, but not on purpose.  I have tried talking to my doctor as well, and they seem to think it has something to do with the diaphragm development while I was a child.  I hiccuped quite often as a child and thus lost some control of my diaphragm.  That alone was disruptive to developing the kind of diaphragm that would allow a person to belch on command, as well as, sing.  Can you sing with your diaphragm?  If not, then I would think you too do not have the ability to belch.  I can't sing - my brother can belch, but he can sing as well.  Anyway - you may want to chat with a gastrologist.
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