
Why can't I buy an all electric car in U.S. like they have in the EU?

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My cousin got a great "Smart Car" in Munich for about $5,000. She loves it and I want one. Only John McCain favors this in the U.S. Millions of people would buy one. I bet GM and Exxon and their politicians cohorts are to blame.




  1. yes we can buy an electric car in US

    but everybody love big truck or big car

    because they are big guys with big balls

    then they cry like babies in the pump station

    when they have to fill up the big truck with a big engine

    believe me the American's mentality is unique

  2. Your wrong about one thing--Obama  supprts electric cars as well.  

    And when push comes to shove, McCain will do what the oil companies tell him to do--just like any other neoconservative.

    Obama 2008


    There are dealers in every state, my neighbor here in NC just bought one.

    When you point your finger, 3 more are pointing back at you!

  4. Smart cars are available here. However, I wouldnt buy one. They are really not rated for highway use. But I suppose for big city driving they would probably be ok. Alternate vehicles are ok, but I think the wave of the future will be more 4cylinder vehicles. I think once the wave of used Prius' hit the market and are no longer finacially supported maintenence by Toyota, I think many people will see how big of a mistake they are. You may save on gas, but you're paying for electric and how much are those $1000. I think a the value will drop like a rock. Plus who is going to service them outside of Toyota...your standard repair facility will look at you funny.

  5. Because the rich in this country have their interests tied up in the oil companies.

    It is not the middle east that makes money on the oil it is the US or at least the wealthy US that gets the main share of it.

    The last thing they want is for us to have an alternative.

    That is why they own the rights to nearly every alternative to oil.

    They even own solar technology so they make money whichever way we go.

  6. I live in Colorado, and I just saw one driving around this morning.   I thought it looked awfully small, flimsy - - - wouldn't be very safe in a crash.   I'll wait until manufacturers can do better.

  7. Why dont you invent one. Then you wont have to wait for someone else. Thats the American way. I am currently working on an experiment to change beer into urine. So far it's working great. Who knows maybe I'll take a step further and turn urine into fuel. Ya thats the ticket !

  8. How would Bush/Cheney cozy up the the oil industry if they helped put them on the back shelf?

    You pay and they ride - connect the dots - you are getting screwed.

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